Silent Song (Ghostly Rhapsody)

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Book: Silent Song (Ghostly Rhapsody) by Ron C. Nieto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron C. Nieto
to know and because I didn’t expect her to want to include him in any group events even if she did.”
    “She wanted to get back at him for the cafeteria thing, so at least her reasons are clear now.”
    “Anna,” I sighed. “I know it was your head against that tray, but do you think it was okay to wait for weeks for revenge? To try to break the one thing he cares about?”
    She shrugged and chomped on a cookie, uncomfortable. “I guess it was a bit mean. But that’s Lena for you. We’ve never cared before.”
    “She’s never targeted anyone we even knew before.”
    “Isn’t that a bit hypocritical?”
    I sipped my chocolate, mulling it over. It probably was. I probably should defend the helpless kids that got picked on, whether I loved their music or not. The fact that I didn’t care for random girls crying in the bathroom didn’t make what Lena did any less cruel. Still. “So it is. So bite me.” I shrugged.
    She laughed and I could see the tension easing off her shoulders, even if only a bit. “So, were you already back to talking to him by the time ‘the incident’ happened?”
    “No.” I nibbled on a cookie to buy time, but forced myself to plunge on before I lost my nerve. “He didn’t know it, but I used to listen to him.”
    “Okay, now you lost me.”
    “I didn’t talk to him, but we weren’t as…” I gestured vaguely about, trying to explain a relationship that I’d have denied to death before that night. “We weren’t as disconnected as it might seem.”
    She waited for me to go on. I tried to gauge how much of the truth I should fit into the answer and sighed.
    “All of it” sounded about right.
    “One day I just happened to follow him, okay? I was curious. He had changed so much; I guess I wanted to know why. But then, before I reached his door, I heard this melody, so broken and so incredible. It sounded great, and I had to listen. It blew me away, Anna. And it was Keith. The next day, I found myself just walking the few extra blocks to see if he would be playing again, without thinking much about it. He always was, each day different than the day before. I never talked to him, and I know it’s stupid, but I just needed to listen to his music.” The words left me in a rush and Anna stared at me for a second before blinking.
    “So… you’ve been stalking him,” she said at length
    I winced. “It does sound crazy when you put it in so many words, but…” I gestured, at a loss, and she burst out laughing.
    “Hey, what’s so funny?” I asked, half-bothered but also half-glad that she hadn’t run off, calling for the police.
    “God, I can just picture you in your high heels and best skinny jeans, crouched among the bushes, leaves getting tangled in your hair and mud getting everywhere…”
    The mental image was quite accurate, but I didn’t tell her.
    “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, once she managed to stop laughing.
    “I don’t know. Perhaps because I was stalking the weirdest guy in school, and that’d make me even weirder?”
    She heard my underlying fear and barked another laugh. “Aww, it takes more than that to split up Team A!” she said, leaning forward and giving me a hug.
    Team A. Anna and Alice. That was us, and it felt so good to know we still were the same. I hugged her back. “I was worried,” I admitted.
    “No wonder! But I’m glad you told me. This story is even fun! Do you know how I felt when I saw you returning with him? I thought you two were dating and you had not trusted or valued me enough to even let me know!”
    “That wasn’t it. I swear!”
    “I know, I know,” she said, smiling wickedly and waving my excuses off. “For all your lying skills, I can always tell when you’re being sincere.”
    “Yeah. You’d have come up with a less embarrassing explanation if it had been up to you.”
    We laughed at that. I could hardly believe that I had shared my secret, but at the same time, I couldn’t believe

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