A Memory Away
the sound of a horn blasted from outside. “I think that’s for you.”
Jonah cast an irritated glare over his shoulder at the shop doorway and then looked back at Kyle again. “Yeah, I should go.” He backed up without taking his eyes off Kyle. “So, I’ll see you at six then?”
“Yes.” Kyle smiled nervously back and lifted a hand in answer to the one Jonah saluted him with, lying, “I’m looking forward to it.” He stood watching Jonah through the shop window as he jogged round the car and climbed inside and then disappeared in a squeal of tires when Lopez floored it away. “Oh my God, I am so screwed.”
“You’d better not be,” came Megan’s dry comment from behind him where she had been eavesdropping shamelessly throughout the exchange. “Pretty sure that’s what got you in this situation in the first place.” She smiled a little sadly when Kyle jumped and whirled with a shocked gasp to face her. “So, you’re really going through with it, huh? You’re going to tell him.”
Kyle nodded firmly and tried to look more resolute than he felt inside – where it felt like an entire school of jellyfish had taken up residence in his belly. “Yes, this is the right thing to do. He deserves the chance to know about Shea.” He looked back over his shoulder at the shop doorway and said unconvincingly, “Everything’s going to be fine.”

Chapter 7 .
Jonah was waiting in his car on the dot of six when Kyle emerged with Megan from the shop and locked up. He got out as Kyle hugged Megan goodnight and then watched in amusement when she scowled at him and stomped off down the street with a final concerned smile at her friend. “She does believe I’m a cop, right? I’m not gonna sell you into white slavery or some shit.”
This time Kyle laughed, albeit a little guiltily. “I’m sorry. We’re just....” He tried to think of someway to explain just how vital Megan was to him and failed. “We’re very close.”
“Got it.” Jonah shoved his hands into his pockets again, not sure what to do with them, and looked expectantly at Kyle. “So where’d you want to go? You got a car here, right? There a good bar nearby we can walk to?”
“Well,” Kyle hitched his leather messenger bag higher on his shoulder and gestured down the street. “I thought we might just go down to Ma Abretti’s just around the corner if that’s okay? She does some amazing coffee and I had to bribe Louise with the promise of some pastries to get her to watch Shea for me.”
Jonah nodded. “Cool.” They started to walk in the direction of the deli and a silence fell between them. Jonah looked sidelong at Kyle as they strolled and wondered what had the other man looking so pensive with his eyes fixed to the floor as they walked. “This isn’t a problem, right? With your kid I mean. Your sitter not happy about having to stay late?” Even though he was punching himself in the head inside, Jonah made himself say, “We could make it another night if it’s a problem.”
Kyle blinked up at him and then the first genuine smile Jonah could ever remember seeing directed at him curved his mouth and warmed his eyes. “There’s no problem. It’s very nice of you to offer though.” He seemed to relax slightly and his smile grew. “ Really nice.”
Frowning, Jonah muttered, “You don’t have to sound so damn shocked. I can be nice.”
Kyle ’s eyes widened and then he flushed lightly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.” He looked anxiously up at Jonah. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”
Bumping his shoulder into Kyle’s, Jonah grinned. “Yeah you did. It’s okay. I know I can be kind of a jerk sometimes.” He bumped Kyle’s shoulder again. “I just don’t want you worrying about home stuff when you should be chilling out. I can wait if I have too.”
The blinding smile Kyle gave him was worth every lying word out of his mouth. “Thank you.” Kyle looked away first and said after a moment, “I suppose I

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