Lipstick and Leather: Three Sexy Cowboys, Three Sexy Tales

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Book: Lipstick and Leather: Three Sexy Cowboys, Three Sexy Tales by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
heart started beating a little faster.
    Almost raunchy but sexy.
    At the bottom of the box was a pair of boots. They were new, brown leather. Guess it was his way of helping her look like she belonged on the ranch.
    She put on the corset then slipped on the clothes. Everything fit her perfectly, as if Joe had taken all over measurements, right down to her boots. She looked in the mirror and smiled.
    She’d never had a man pick out clothes for her. It was the most thoughtful gift she had ever received. There was something about a tough cowboy who could pick out an outfit he wanted to see her in.
    When she was dressed she went to the living room to where Joe waited. Her mortification of being caught in only her panties had kept her from studying him and now she took a moment to take him in. He looked so good in a black western shirt, a black cowboy hat, a pair of nice jeans, and polished black boots.
    His brilliant blue eyes took her in and she could see appreciation in his gaze. “You’re beautiful.” The way he said the words told her that he meant them.
    “Thank you.” She smiled at him. “Where’s the best place to go.”
    “You like Mexican food?” he asked.
    “I don’t know,” she said. “Mexican food isn’t common in Boston. But I’d like to try it.” He gave a nod. “I know the place.”
    The restaurant was outside the city limits but it was large and it was busy. After he held the door open for her and she got out of his truck, he escorted her into the restaurant.
    The smells were amazing as they entered the place. The walls were painted bright colors of dark blue, red, yellow, and pink, each wall a different color than the wall it touched. All of them were covered with things that Joe explained were from Mexico. Serapes, piñatas, figurines, pictures, brilliant bouquets of flowers… Too many things adorned the walls than she could absorb on one visit.
    He ordered for both of them, taco and enchilada combination plates with refried beans and Spanish rice, along with a margarita each.
    The margarita was strong, sending warmth through and she wondered how well she would handle the tequila. She wasn’t much of a drinker.
    She couldn’t help but think about how amazing he looked. He had taken off his hat when they entered the restaurant. His black hair looked soft and she imagined sliding her hands into it and letting the strands slip through her fingers.
    His skin would be smooth beneath her lips from having just been shaved. She caught the spicy scent of his shaving cream and pictured him in the bathroom shaving his face just to go out to dinner with her.
    His shirt fit him just right, and she thought about how his muscular body would look as she ran the pads of her fingers over his bare shoulders, along his biceps, across his chest and down his abs to the promise of an exciting time ahead.
    The way he looked at her all night sent thrills through her belly that moved between her thighs and caused her to squirm. She couldn’t read his expression, but there was an electric feeling between them that had her belly flipping all night. She’d thought more than once about those strong hands of his taking control and spanking her…
    She was so aware of him in a sexual way that she had a hard time concentrating on his words as she asked him questions. She sipped her margarita while Joe answered all that she wanted to know about the area, the nearby ranches, and things about the day-to-day operations of the Diamond B.
    “How long did you work for my father?” She was determined to get her head on straight as she asked the question.
    “Twelve years.” He took a swallow of his second margarita. “I came from a ranch on the other side of Bisbee, close to Sierra Vista. Grew up in that area.” Joe asked more questions than he answered. By the time they finished dinner, he knew quite a bit about her, things he hadn’t already known from her father. Her mother had always said her father wasn’t much of a

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