old. Thus they were now in the state they were in three weeks before with Captain Everett in retirement and Colonel Jack Collins suspended from all field operations as per presidential order.
    “Are the British going to allow American examination of the craft?” Jason asked before Will could in their never-ending competition to be first in everything.
    “Thus far they think the turning over of the watch was enough. Until they have thoroughly examined the ship, or whatever it is, they won’t budge. It seems the fight to get the most technology is ongoing. But the strange thing is, Niles, Matchstick, and even Colonel Collins know what the British are up to under the ice but they are keeping it close to the vest.”
    “Does it have something to do with these strange names floating around security, Overlord and such?” Mendenhall asked.
    “Details of that operation will get anyone fired around here for even mentioning it. So, your guess is as good as mine.”
    “Dr. Golding,” Europa announced, “Chato’s Crawl has requested restricted satellite weather data from the NASA mainframe.”
    “Damn,” Pete hissed as he shook his head. “Name of asset requesting data stream?” he asked.
    “Identification code: Magic .”
    “Matchstick again?” Jason asked as his smile grew. “The little fella is working overtime, I guess.”
    “But on what?” Pete asked. “When he requests military data from anywhere he is usually forthcoming about what he’s looking for. But now I make requests for verification as to why he wants that data, and he clams up.”
    Will Mendenhall looked at the clock readout in blue numbers that was projected onto the white plastic wall of the computer center.
    “Well, get Dr. Pollock to sign off on Matchstick’s request, and I think it’s time we pay our friend in the desert a visit. Pete, please keep up on the Antarctic surveillance.” Mendenhall hesitated and then faced Pete again. “Without stepping on toes and mentioning this Operation Overlord, whatever it may be.”
    “Will do. Also, when you get out to Chato’s Crawl, ask Matchstick what is so important about Charlie’s cryptozoology department. He’s been spending an inordinate amount of time running through Crypto’s files and Charlie Ellenshaw hasn’t figured out a pattern to Matchstick’s research yet. If he’s interested in Crypto, he should ask Charlie directly; he could be more of a help.”
    “Okay.” Mendenhall turned to Jason. “Feel like flying out to Arizona?”
    “Sure, beats sitting here listening to Pete,” Jason said as he slapped Golding on the back. “But as a field team we need two more security people, buddy, and guess what? We’re fresh out of live bodies. Everyone we have in security is either in the field chasing down leads to crashed saucers or on security duty here. As you know, even with gate two shut down we’re still shorthanded.”
    “I’ve got that covered. Since we need Charlie on this trip he’ll be listed in the field report as added security.”
    Jason smiled as he knew right where Will was heading. “Besides Charlie, who’s they in that equation?”
    Will started to walk up the stairs that led to the theater-style seating above the main floor.
    “The last I heard, Antarctica was still way down south. I think Chato’s Crawl is safe enough for our intrepid Colonel Collins to join us.”
    Jason Ryan looked at Pete.
    “After finding Captain Everett’s watch in two-hundred-thousand-year-old ice I don’t find very much safe about anything.”
    “I hear that.”
    *   *   *
    The knock sounded loudly on his door. His eyes never left the screen full of information that scrolled across his face inside the darkness of his private quarters. The eyes scanned a document he had stared at for hours on end. It was an image of the only scrap of evidence in the murder of a thirty-one-year-old CIA agent. The internal memorandum was of U.S. government origin and was known to be used by three

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