Werecat Avenue

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Book: Werecat Avenue by Anjela Renee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anjela Renee
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, vampire, Fae, shapeshifer
    “ It’s a habit; I spend a
lot of time as a cat. It comforts me.”
    As Monroe continued rubbing
her belly she thought about Richard. She wondered what it would be
like to have him as her match,
rubbing her belly, and helping her though
the pregnancy.
    “ So what would I get out of
helping you?”
    “ You need someone to help
you, rub your belly, and take you to doctor appointments. I can be
your fake boyfriend”
    “ I don’t know. What if Gretchen finds
    “ She won’t, just introduce
me as your boyfriend.”
    “ Fine, I’ll do it under one
condition. You have to be at my baby’s birth and perform the
    “ Oh, please! Not that
insane Fae ritual.”
    “ Its tradition and you will
do it.”
    “ Ga, fine.” He said with
    Cam stuck her hand out and Monroe took it. They shook,
striking a deal.

Chapter 12
    Adrian awoke to the sound
of the Fae portal activating. Not exactly the way he would have
liked to wake up . As he got up, still
groggy from sleep, he saw Kieran and Cayden waiting. Kieran didn’t
look very happy. Cayden looked the same as he did the last time,
fresh and innocent looking .
    “ Adrian, I see we woke
you.” Kieran said grumpily. Adrian could tell by the scowl on
Kieran’s face he had bad news.
    “ I am here to serve, my
    “ I hope you had a pleasant
sleep, enforcer Adrian.” Said, Cayden cheerfully. Adrian couldn’t
believe they were twins; their personalities couldn’t be any more
    “ Yes, thank you Cayden. And
how are you adjusting to life in the human realm?”
    “ It is so different,
everything is done with machines. And the human women are so
    “ Enough of the small talk.”
Kieran said abruptly. “I contacted you because Cam got in touch
with me last night.”
    “ This is good news right?
Why do you sound upset?”
    “ She won’t tell me where
she is, she wants me to move on and forget about her. I just don’t
understand , this
is not the Cam I know. She should be with me, she is carrying my
child,” he demanded.
    “ I’m sorry to hear that
    “ This changes nothing; I
want to proceed with the plan. I want Cam located so I can talk
with her myself and Cayden will replace me
at the Queen’s side. He is almost ready; we have been working
together continuously. I will contact you when we are ready to
    “ Thank you for keeping me
updated. I will double my efforts to find Cam.
    “ Bye Adrian.” Cayden waved
as the image disappeared.
    Queen Brianna stepped
outside into the garden. It was a sunny pleasant morning. She was
staying at a bed and breakfast in New Orleans Garden District. She
wore a flowing sundress with purple flowers. Her shimmering skin
seemed to sparkle in the morning sun. She sat down at a small table
and waited while her lady in waiting got her morning meal. She
decided after the last conversation with the Fae enforcer she
needed to be in New Orleans to take care
of things herself. She knew her husband
was hiding out somewhere in the city. She was willing to do
whatever it took to make sure she found Camilla before he
    “ My Queen I have brought
your morning meal.”
    “ Thank you, Charity. Please
have a seat while I eat.” The queen looked at the meal of various
fruits on a plate and a steaming cup of Herbal tea. “This looks
nice, thanks to you.”
    “ It is my pleasure to serve
my Queen .” Charity was a Brownie; she wore
a plain yellow dress. She had been a loyal
to the Queen for eighty years. When the Queen had chosen Charity it
was frowned upon. Fae started
talking saying a brownie wasn’t worthy to
serve a Queen. What all those looking down on Charity didn’t know is that she was a secret childhood friend
to the Queen. She was the daughter of the Castle cook. They would play for hours in the kitchen
while Charity’s mother cooked. They would hide when anyone came in
just in case; it was one of the Queens fondest memories.
    “ You can

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