Temptation in a Kilt

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Book: Temptation in a Kilt by Victoria Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Roberts
    “Brother,” she simply stated.
    “Brother?” Ciaran choked out. He looked at her doubtfully and stood to his full impressive height.
    “Aye. Nae a brother by blood, but we have been together since we were bairns. He is also the captain of my father’s guard. Ciaran, he is a good and honorable man,” she said convincingly. Hopefully, he believed her. For some reason, it was important to her that he did.
    “We shall see,” he said, his voice hardening.
    Rosalia gave Calum a sympathetic smile. “Calum, my apologies. Are ye well?”
    “As well as can be expected from receiving a blow from the hilt of a sword, my lady,” he murmured, rubbing his hand over his bloodied head.
    “My lady ?” she gasped. “And ye, Seumas. Are ye well?”
    “No injuries, my lady,” he simply stated.
    “My lady ? Why the sudden formalities? Ye were both calling me by my given name, Rosalia.” She scowled at them both.
    “Ah, your brother approaches.” Ciaran’s tone was velvet, yet edged with steel.
    “Dunnehl’s men are secure,” announced James. He nodded at Calum. “How do ye fare?”
    “I live,” he replied.
    Ciaran touched her shoulder. He raised his hand as if to touch her cheek and then placed it down at his side. “Rosalia, ye need to rest. Go and sit before the fire,” he murmured.
    “I donna know how long Dunnehl’s men will be out, and I need to speak with both of ye,” interrupted James, gesturing for Ciaran and Rosalia to follow him away from the men. Ciaran grabbed a blanket and spread it out on the ground. Assisting her down, he sat and took his place beside her, motioning for James to sit.
    James extended his arm to Ciaran—again. “I am James Montgomery.”
    Ciaran glanced down at James’s extended arm and did not take it. “Laird Ciaran MacGregor,” he simply stated.
    Lowering his arm, James turned his attention to Rosalia. “How much does he know, lass?”
    “Enough,” Ciaran answered for her.
    James ignored his response. “Ye were discovered missing by the midday meal and when Noonie wasnae in his stall, your mother and father had me search the loch. I delayed them as long as I could, but they know ye fled.”
    She shivered and Ciaran grabbed her hand while James scowled at him—continuously. Removing her fingers from Ciaran’s grasp to pull James from his murderous thoughts, Rosalia folded her hands in front of her. “I bet they were furious,” she spoke quietly.
    “Your mother was as expected. Your father was… silent. They sent me to scout for ye, and of course I told them I couldnae find ye. Then Dunnehl arrived.”
    James huffed at Ciaran’s interruption. “Aye, Charles Reymore.”
    Ciaran cast a questioning glance. “Dunnehl was the match ye spoke of? Your mother and father were going to match ye to Dunnehl?” he asked in nonbelief.
    “Do ye know him?” asked James.
    Ciaran gave a brief nod.“He frequents court and I understand King James barely tolerates him. In fact, I donna think many tolerate him. Why would her mother and father attempt such a match with that man?” he asked disgustedly.
    James shook his head. “’Tis clearly a tale for another time. As I spoke before, Dunnehl arrived with the proper papers, and when Rosalia wasnae there, he refused to pay the bride price. Your mother attempted to delay him, but he was aware something was amiss. When he discovered ye’d fled, he was simply going to take his leave. But your mother had us scout for ye again and insisted some of Dunnehl’s men accompany us. She didnae trust I would bring ye back and she isnae giving up. If we donna return within two days, Dunnehl takes his leave and willnae pay the bride price.”
    Ciaran shrugged. “So he takes his leave and there is nay bride price. The matter is finished then.”
    “’Tisnae that simple, MacGregor. Dunnehl’s men now know Rosalia is found. I will have to lead them astray and tell them a tale. Otherwise, they will attempt such a feat

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