Nephew's Wife, The

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Book: Nephew's Wife, The by Barbara Kaylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Kaylor
Ellen answered, truthfully.  “You’re a faithful person, a spiritual person. You’re kind and respectful. I see that every day in the way you treat Dolly and the staff.  You’re considerate and sensitive. You’re giving and extremely selfless.”
    “Are you sure?”
    “You wouldn’t be going to this party tonight if you weren’t.”
    Rand nodded, but her claim was false.  He was going to the dinner to be close to Ellen even though she still grieved Paul.  To him, that was very selfish. Even now, he couldn’t focus on his next breath.  Ellen consumed him. He turned away from her and gathered his bearings. She couldn’t know his feelings. His aunt was right. Ellen needed time to get over Paul.
    “I have to get back to the house.” Ellen put her feet down and slid them in her sandals.  Without thinking, she patted Rand’s shoulder on her way out.  “You’re a good nephew, Rand, to do this.  God will reward you one day for being so patient with your aunt.”
    Rand watched Ellen until she disappeared from sight before touching the spot on his shoulder. It had taken everything in him not to have grabbed her hand and caressed it. The thought made him nervous.  How could he keep up the charade?
    God, if there is a reward for me, let it be Ellen. His prayer sounded selfish and flimsy, but it came from the depths of his heart.
    He loved everything about Ellen.  She’d brought him face to face with his vow never to love again.  Ellen had made him rethink himself. Slowly he was replacing dark memories of Lana with thoughts of Ellen, but always with his aunt’s caution at the center.  He’d not tread on Ellen’s grieving period.  He’d wait a lifetime for her to get over Paul if he had to. 
    “Care for a moonlight walk?” Rand asked Ellen as they left Dolly’s room later that evening.  “I need some fresh air after all this entertaining.”
    Ellen chuckled. “So do I. I didn’t realize all the work involved. Dolly enjoyed herself, but I think it overtaxed her.”
    “Don’t worry about Aunt Dolly. She thrives on this kind of stuff. Me? I could live without it.” Rand pulled off his tie and jacket then draped them over a chair in the sun room. As they headed to the door, he rolled up the sleeves of his white, dress shirt.
    Ellen’s insides twirled like a whirligig at the sight of him so casual and polished at the same time. He’d been as patient as they came that night, laughing in all the right places, engaging in witless conversations, and complimenting to the hilt. Dolly was ecstatic, but Ellen knew Rand’s behavior was all an act.  He could have cared less about the four single women who’d joined their elderly relatives for a chance to swoon over Rand.
    Ellen had secretly glanced in his direction several times during the evening when he thought no one was looking. His expression displayed boredom and annoyance, but he never once let on. A gleaming smile, interested eyes, and a jovial tone covered his true feelings.
    “You were a good sport tonight, Rand,” Ellen complimented as they settled in the gazebo. Magnolia buds perfumed the warm night air. 
    “I’ve had plenty of practice,” he said with a ho-hum.  “This isn’t the first dinner of its kind.  I doubt it’ll be the last.”
    Ellen heard his frustration.  Her heart went out to him. Why couldn’t he be left alone?
    “I’ll speak to Dolly for you Rand,” she offered, suddenly.  “You shouldn’t have to go through something like this.”
    Rand feigned skepticism.  “I thought it was part of your job to find me a wife.”
    “I’ll make Dolly see how unfair it is to you,” Ellen replied.  “She may not like it, but she has a great capacity for understanding and sympathizing.  She’s motivated by a deep love for you, Rand.  If she knows how upset all this makes you, she’ll leave you alone.”
    “Thanks, Ellen, but don’t wear yourself out trying to convince her.”

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