The Elusive Heiress

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Book: The Elusive Heiress by Gail Mallin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Mallin
Tags: Regency Romance
her head coquettishly, setting her sable curls dancing. ‘Surely, it is more logical to accept that this sorry confusion has arisen solely because my uncle made a mistake?’
    ‘Are you claiming that Gerald allowed optimism to cloud his judgement when you vanished?’ Randal demanded.
    Kate reluctantly turned to face him. How she wished she only had to deal with Mr Hilton! The lawyer might be cautious, but she sensed a growing sympathy behind his dry manner.
    ‘I cannot think of any other explanation, my lord.’ Kate opened her eyes wide in an expression of limpid innocence and smiled at him sweetly.
    Randal stared back at her. Hellfire, why did she have to be so damned attractive! It made it difficult to think!
    ‘Perhaps our first reaction was too hasty,’ Mr Hilton murmured, giving a dry little cough.
    Kate flashed him a look of gratitude. ‘Oh I am relieved to hear you say so, Mr Hilton! It is dreadful to be thought a liar!’
    Whipping out a lace-trimmed handkerchief from her reticule, Kate applied it dextrously to the corners of her eyes and gave an artistic little sniff. ‘You cannot imagine how upset and worried I have been,’ she sighed, risking a tiny sob.
    ‘Pray do not disturb yourself, my dear young lady,’ Mr Hilton squeaked, his voice rising in alarm.
    Risking a peep over the edge of her handkerchief, Kate saw him leap gallantly to his feet. ‘Let me procure you a restorative.’
    Satisfied that he had fallen for her damsel in distress ploy, Kate was about to refuse his offer and press home her advantage when Lord Redesmere forestalled her.
    ‘A glass of sherry would be an excellent notion, Alan. I shall keep Miss…Nixon company while you fetch it.’
    Somewhat offended at the assumption that he meant to act as his own errand boy, Mr Hilton almost failed to note the accompanying slight jerk of his lordship’s fair head.
    ‘Ah yes. Of course.’ Belatedly realising that his client wanted a chance to speak to the girl in private Mr Hilton edged towards the door. ‘I…I don’t know if we have anything to suit a lady’s palate so I may be a few moments.’
    Kate stared at his retreating back and had to struggle not to curse.
    ‘Yes, I know. Very shabby of him to abandon you like that.’ Randal’s tone held mock sympathy. ‘Still, you can take comfort from the fact that his desertion has proved a miraculous cure for your tears.’
    Realising that her unguarded expression had betrayed her, Kate returned her handkerchief to her reticule. ‘I cannot imagine what you mean,’ she said primly.
    Randal grinned. ‘What, no protests, ma’am? Not even a complaint at being left alone with me?’
    Kate’s black brows winged upwards in haughty disdain. ‘I believe my virtue to be safe, sir,’ she said coolly, indicating the door which Mr Hilton had carefully left open as convention demanded.
    Randal’s grin broadened. Blister it, but he couldn’t help admiring her panache!
    ‘Since you have engineered our privacy I assume you have something you wish to say to me?’
    He nodded, his smile fading. ‘We appear to have reached a stalemate. I don’t believe you are Kitty Nixon, but I can’t prove it. Nor can I explain whence you got that letter and locket…unless you stole them of course.’
    Ignoring the gasp of indignation which greeted this remark, Randal continued calmly. ‘It is equally obvious that you aren’t going to give up your claim without a fight. Therefore, the only logical way forward is to organise further investigations.’
    He paused, giving her the opportunity to comment, but, somewhat to his surprise, she merely nodded agreement.
    ‘If necessary Alan can contact Mrs Ashe in due course, but I do not want to cause her any needless worry. Sullivan may well have other engagements, but once he is free to travel we should be able to get to the bottom of this matter quickly enough.’
    ‘You want Uncle Gerald to identify me?’ Kate managed to put the question calmly, hiding her

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