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Book: Bonded by Ria Candro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ria Candro
Tags: Erótica
she’d ever seen.
    “We’re back,” Neichon breathed.
    And no small matter, that.
    Once they’d taken care of bandaging their injuries, the three of them went to work fixing her damaged spacejet. After a very long afternoon, they’d finally gotten it back up and running. It still needed substantial repair, but it was operable enough to get them back to the Spygian’s ship.
    They’d been careful to avoid the Malucon mother ship as they left Fresna behind, traveling to the other side of the planet where the Spygian ship hovered out of sight of the Malucon ship. Neichon had used her jet’s transmitter to radio his ship and inform the others what had happened.
    The others.
    Despite everything that had just happened, despite the fact that her ribs were on fire, her heart skipped a beat at the thought of meeting the other members of the pod, Reyu and Petros. They were meant to be hers. On the way back Neichon and Valeron had told her in unequivocal terms that she was their mate.
    Perhaps they were right, but that didn’t mean she could stay. And the reality of that made her heart break. She didn’t want to betray her Spygians, but her journey was far from over, and if she told them that, they would try to make her stay. So she would leave when they weren’t expecting it.
    And they would forever hate her for it.
    Even though no amount of excitement over boarding the Spygian ship could replace the heaviness she felt in her heart, she couldn’t help but smile when the door of her jet slid open to reveal the other two pod members standing on the boarding deck of the ship. They were tall and handsome and, as she’d expected, scantily dressed.
    Mine , her heart said.
    If only…
    One of the men strode forward to greet them, his eyes a deep emerald green. They raked over her with concern and more than a little hint of lust. “Welcome back. I believe we’ve fixed the error on the transmitter,” he said to Neichon without lifting his gaze from her. To her he held out a hand, his lips curving into a grin. “And you are most certainly welcome, mate.”
    “I’m not your…” She trailed off, because really, she couldn’t claim that anymore.
    Neichon nodded to the emerald-eyed man. “Inara, this is Reyu, my second-in-command.”
    Blushing, she let Reyu take her hand. He looked her over. “Are you injured?”
    “Just my ribs.”
    The second man on the deck strode forward. “Let’s get you to the healing chamber then.”
    “That is the fourth and final member of our pod,” Neichon said. “Petros.”
    Inara let her eyes wander over Petros. He was every bit as handsome as the other three, though his smoky topaz eyes were a bit more subdued.
    “I’m pleased to meet you both,” she answered formally.
    “Come.” Petros turned and headed back toward the main part of the ship, and Neichon nodded to indicate she should follow. Wincing at the pain in her ribs, she walked after him.
    He led her to a small space that resembled a tube. Healing chambers were rather new inventions, and they were very expensive to procure. It appeared her Spygians didn’t lack in funds. That would have pleased her once, but it did nothing for her now. What good was money if she couldn’t protect those she loved? If she didn’t find her cousin?
    Inara glanced at Neichon, who was hurt the worst. “You first.”
    He shook his head, favoring his limp arm. “No, mate. After you.”
    Seeing that none of them would be flexible about this, she stepped into the device. The door sealed shut after her and cooling rays of energy blasted the tube, prompting her cells to heal at an accelerated rate. Within seconds, the pain was gone.
    The door opened and she strode out, feeling like a new woman. “Your turn,” she told Neichon. He obeyed with a nod.
    She felt Reyu’s and Petros’ eyes on her, as if they were starving and she was a feast. Fighting a blush, she turned to them. “Have you seen any sign of the Malucon ship?”
    Reyu shook his head.

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