Just for the Summer

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Book: Just for the Summer by Jenna Rutland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Rutland
Tags: Lake Bliss#1
hand through his hair,
     forgetting momentarily he’d cut it short a few weeks ago.
    “She should be here any minute. I called her right after I talked to you.”
    Matt planted his hands on his hips, stared down at his shoes to count to ten. He reminded
     himself that she was his mother and he’d been raised to be respectful. Trying to keep
     a lid on his annoyance, he spoke with care. “In the future, it will be my sole decision
     whether or not Gina is informed of anything to do with Sam.”
    He raised his head to look at his mother. She wouldn’t make eye contact, instead fiddling
     with the straps on her purse.
    “Mom, do I make myself clear?”
    “Yes.” She wiped at her eyes. “I’m very sorry.”
    Matt guided his mother back into Sam’s room and had just taken his seat when Gina
     slid inside. It was a shock seeing her in a knee-length black skirt and a white polo
     shirt, so unlike the way she used to dress for him. Years ago, he’d admired her and
     lusted after her near-perfect body. Now the only emotion associated with Gina was
     sorrow. And a heavy dose of resentment for what she’d put Sam through . Funny how lies and manipulation could change your opinion of a person.
    She’d been his best friend, his lover, his wife. He had promised her a happy future.
     But she hadn’t wanted what he had to offer. Too bad she hadn’t realized that until
     after they were married.
    Gina moved to Sam’s bedside. Leery, Matt stayed close.
    Sam blinked a few times. “Mom?”
    She smiled. There was no motherly glow. No warmth in her eyes. Never had been.
    Matt was the one who’d wanted a baby—a baby he’d thought they’d been working on. After
     several years without conceiving, they’d adopted Sam. A few years later when Gina
     still hadn’t become pregnant, Matt was anxious to adopt another child. Until he accidentally
     discovered Gina’s birth control pills. She admitted she’d been taking them their whole
     marriage because pregnancy would ruin her figure, and that would be the end of the
     modeling career she dreamed of having some day. A child was the last thing she wanted.
    Matt had paid her asking price in a deal that had landed him full custody of Sam.
     He no longer trusted her—he’d made that mistake once—and never would again. How could
     he believe in a woman who had willingly exchanged parental rights for money?
    Gina gave Sam’s head a pat. “Hey, Sammy.”
    “Are you coming home?”
    Matt’s stomach revolted. “No, bud, she’s just here to visit you for a bit.”
    His mother leaned against the bedrail and squeezed Sam’s hand. “You’ll be home in
     no time. I’ll make you all your favorite foods. How about some homemade mac and cheese?
     The kind you like with buttered breadcrumbs on top. And maybe some chocolate chip
     cookies.” She leaned in close to whisper. “I’ll even add extra chocolate chips.” She
     gave him a wink. “That’ll cure whatever you’ve got. While we wait, I’ll start on a
     grocery list.”
    She headed for the lone plastic chair that stood in a corner, but Gina sat in it as
     if she hadn’t seen the older woman. His mother took the seat near Sam’s bed. While
     he rattled off what he’d been up to so far this summer and what else he hoped to do
     before school started, Gina kept her eyes on her cell phone. If the repeated beeps
     were any indication, she was carrying on a text message conversation instead of a
     live one with Sam.
    And in that action, Matt’s past decisions regarding Gina cemented in his mind. He’d
     been right. His son needed a nurturer, a mother who adored him. A mother who’d put
     him first. Dani flashed into his mind for a moment, but he pushed the thought away.
     As great as she was with Sam, she was only here for the summer.
    Before he could dwell too long on the insanity of adding another female into his life,
     Dr. Jacobs strode into the room. “The test results have returned.”
    Matt stood, hoping beyond

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