Hard Irish
of the blow, though.  As far as I can tell, you’re the only one wearing a red shirt on the site.  I’m betting whoever pushed that planter knew you were there.”
    The bodyguard idea wouldn’t stop knocking on his brain.  Jesse provided security.  One phone call would have her taken care of.  Jared had two problems though.  One, he wondered if he was overreacting.  And two, he didn’t want some other guy at her side, spending time with her.  If a guy was going to do that, he wanted to be that man. 
    “Maybe,” she said.  “Mind telling me how you found me and why you hunted me down at work?”
    “You think I’m responsible?”
    “Good Lord, no.  But you’re the last person I expected to see today.”
    Jared sucked in air.  Truth time.  Only he couldn’t bring himself to it.  Revealing he was a competitor might break the tenuous thread forming between them.  He had no idea what devil snatched his soul, but it happened fast.  “I work with my brother.  And you need Sheridan-Weldon Solutions.  It’s a security company that helps folks in need.  I worried all night that your ex would hunt you down and finish that fight he started.  I wanted to make sure you were all right and maybe offer my services until your ex got a grip or the law does it for him.” Jared narrowed his gaze at her.  “Did he show up last night?”
    “Not that I know of.” Relief filled her expression.  Her fear of her ex was real.  “I stayed at my neighbor’s house.”
    “It just pisses me off.  That man has no right to make you fear being in your own home.  If you don’t mind my asking, what did he do to you?”
    Roxanne didn’t say anything for a long moment then she changed the subject.  “Collin’s rage last night doesn’t correlate to what happened with the planter today.  He wasn’t even on site.”
    Jared let the subject of finding out what her ex did go for now and gave her the loyal-to-her-ex crewman theory.  “Any man on the job could have pushed that planter.”
    “Good point.”  She narrowed his gaze.  “How is it you know so damn much about my life?”
    “I ask questions and people talk.  It’s what security guys do.”  He swallowed hard, wondering if the lump in his throat was the beginning of a noose around his neck.  “So, after I get patched up here, I want you to give serious thought to letting me hang around for a bit.”
    “Provided you’ll be functional, are you asking me to hire you as my bodyguard?”
    “No.  Not hire.  This one’s on me.”
    “Let’s just say I take issue with abusive assholes, and I want this to be on a personal level, not a professional one.  I’ll apologize for coercing a kiss from you last night, but I am not in the least bit sorry that I did.  And I’m very interested in repeating it, which makes this situation a very personal one.”  He gave her his best salesman smile.”  Besides with my leg injured, I’ll be officially off the job for a few days until I’m back to full speed so I might as well be useful while I recuperate.”
    He swore her lips twitched with a suppressed smile.  “You’re serious?”
    “Dead serious.  If you have any questions about my character, I can give you references to check.”  He crossed his fingers, hoping she’d forgo that step.  Considering the way he and James had been bacheloring-it-up lately, his reputation might not be so sterling.  And there was the matter of his leading her into a lie.  He did work with his brother.  His brother James not Jesse.  And she did need Sheridan-Weldon Solutions.
    “Let’s see what the doctor has to say first.  You might end up in the hospital instead.”
    Jared hoped not.  If Jackson wanted to hospitalize him, Jared just might have to go AMA.  The thought of him not being around to stop anything bad happening to Roxanne was unacceptable.  Then again, unless he figured out a way to keep all his misleading

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