Tiddly Jinx

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Book: Tiddly Jinx by Liz Schulte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liz Schulte
Tags: Book 4 in the Easy Bake Coven Series
that was attracted to Corbin despite being in love with another man. In my heart, I only wanted Cheney, but Corbin was a walking temptation that promised nonstop fun and excitement. No homes or families or babies or saving the world. It would be just the two of us bringing the world to its knees instead. That was why I couldn’t tell him about dark magic. Corbin wouldn’t help contain me. He would only help me escape.
    His eyes flashed. “I have tasted your soul. You’re not evil.”
    I nodded. “But there’s darkness.”
    “That’s what makes you interesting,” he replied, winking. “What else are you upset about?”
    “I’m having a baby.”
    Corbin blinked and leaned back. “No shit.”
    “Frost held on to her while…yesterday.”
    His mouth gaped.
    “You see, that’s why I have to find her, Corbin. I have to make everything right.”
    He nodded slowly. “I’ll help you however I can.” He reached around me and tapped the bag underneath my hand. “Now what’s this? You’ve been clutching it since you got here.”
    “My purse.” I bit my lip. “Where do we go from here?” It wasn’t just redirection. He loved me and I couldn’t love him. I didn’t see a clear path to friendship or wherever this was leading.
    “Everything doesn’t have to be defined or tied up with a bow. We’ll go where we need to go.”
    I so very much wanted to believe him, but I also expected that this whole conversation, save the part about the baby, had already played through his mind before I even arrived here. He had an enigmatic answer for every question I asked. “Why did you say I shouldn’t be here?”
    “Necromancers are dangerous. With one touch she could kill you permanently.”
    “She could have killed me yesterday.”
    He laughed. “Yesterday she was paid to keep you alive, and she got the Pole for her trouble.”
    Before I could answer, the lock on the door behind us clicked and Corbin pulled me away, careful not to touch my skin to his, into the shadows.
    “Shhhhh,” he breathed into my ear, and a shudder tore through my body.
    Slowly the door opened and Frost came through. She sighed loudly and dropped a bag to the floor before flipping the light switch. Corbin held me tight against him so I couldn’t move at all, but she never glanced our way. She made her way to the kitchen and stood in front of the open refrigerator door, not taking anything out. Corbin’s grip eased and he pressed a finger to his lips as he came around me. He moved like the moon through the night sky, silent and purposeful.
    His hand darted toward her and Frost whirled around, catching his wrist and brandishing a silver dagger aimed for his heart. He deflected the blade and grabbed her by the throat, picking her petite body off ground. I raced toward them.
    “No. Stop. Corbin stop!”
    He turned his black eyes toward me. “Why?”
    “She saved me and my child.” He didn’t look moved. “I need her to find the Pole.”
    He released Frost back to the floor and her fist immediately connected with his jaw. Her eyes began to roll back in her head and I knew what was coming next. “No. Please.” I stepped between them. “What happened in the crypt?”
    Her eyes righted themselves, though she still glared at Corbin, fists dropping to her side. “This isn’t over.”
    “Not by a long shot,” he sneered.
    “Stop it.” I elbowed him in the ribs and kept my gaze on her. “I need to know where you went and where the Pole is.”
    “I’m not your servant or subject, Queen. You don’t need to know anything about me.”
    “Please.” I wasn’t above begging.
    She barely shook her head.
    Heaviness filled me that was lined with rage. “I was afraid you’d say that.” I flicked my fingers and released a binding spell on Frost. It wouldn’t hold long, but long enough. “Meet me at the castle,” I said to Corbin as I grabbed Frost by the shirt and transported to the castle grounds.
    I had two guards help me get her

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