anything else. What about you?’
‘Mother. She’s insisting on coming down to stay with me. Needs to see what I’m doing with the place. I’ve abandoned work in the lounge and they’re doing a bedroom for her. I’m dreading it and was going to ask if you’d come over at some point and help me entertain her. I’m only taking the actual bank holidays off work so she won’t be here for too long.’
Sarah felt a mixture of emotions. He was inviting her to meet what family he had. That must be a significant development in their relationship.
‘I thought you might be going to visit her. Does she drive or do you have to collect her?’
‘She drives. She’s quite an independent lady really. I just dread having to cope with her on my own.’
‘Perhaps Mrs Harper will come and cook for you.’
‘Maddy? No, she’ll be going to some friends.’
‘I wondered what her name was. You always sound so formal with her, calling her Mrs Harper.’
They rode back to the Manor and groomed the horses. The two pups, now named Phoebe and Sophie were growing fast. Apart from occasional accidents, they had been house trained very quickly, largely thanks to the efforts of the estimable Mrs Harper, whose patience seemed endless. They were out in the little yard outside the utility room and yapping for attention when the two riders had returned. Sarah took them out to the lawn and hurled balls for them to chase. She heard Alex calling her for lunch and gathered the dog toys together, calling to them to follow her.
‘Soup and homemade bread today,’ he announced. ‘Shall we have a bar snack this evening? Then there’s a concert on television I’d quite like to watch.’
She was surprised to find it was a rock group he wanted to watch, She had expected a classical concert or an opera and was delighted, as it was one of her own favourite bands.
‘We don’t know all that much about each other, so we? I think I know you and then you completely surprise me with something like that.’
‘Takes a long time to truly know someone. But I do think we’re getting there. Don’t you?’ She frowned slightly. Their relationship had been totally platonic so far. Apart from the occasional peck on the cheek when they were greeting or leaving each other, they hadn’t ever kissed properly.
‘I suppose. But I always think you’re something of an enigma. Two quite different people. At work, I seem to be right out of your orbit but outside, you are easy going, friendly and fun to be with.’
‘It’s all an act. I daren’t let go at work. I have a difficult enough time of it with much older partners who think I’m invading their territory. Or territory they think should be theirs. But they are so out of touch. Dear Ken has let everyone do their own thing for so long that the practice is in serious danger of going under. I have to pull it round for all our sakes.’ He paused and looked upset. ‘Now look what’s happened. We’ve broken a cardinal rule. We don’t talk about work outside the office. Who knows what I might let slip?’
Christmas came and went in the usual flurry of preparations, over eating and the loving family Sarah had always known. She fended off all questions about a man in her life and managed to avoid answering about who was looking after Major during her absence. She made her escape the morning after Boxing Day, using Major as her excuse. Besides, she was missing both Major and Alex and wanted to see them both. She called his mobile as soon as she was home.
‘Is it all right for me to drive over and see Major this afternoon?’ she asked.
‘Better if you don’t mind leaving it till tomorrow. I’m at work and have left my mother at home. She’s leaving first thing tomorrow and would only interrogate you to find out every minute detail about you, your family and what might be between us. What she doesn’t find out, she will invent. I know my mother. I’m at the office at the moment but going home