Angelic Pathways
endure the hardships we do. It helps us to see past the illusions we create in our minds and get to the core of each lesson we must learn. When we see life as it just is and are no longer so quick to judge everything as good or bad, there is less room for complacency and a false sense of security when life is good, and less room for panic and worry when life becomes turbulent. Our existence becomes less of a tug of war and more of a string of experiences that we can appreciate for the spiritual growth and maturity they foster.
    When you encounter life challenges, try to think of them as a form of spiritual strength training. When you seek to build muscles in your body, you can lift weights, working against gravity, or you can use resistance training. The greater the weight or the resistance, the harder your body has to work and the stronger you become. We can apply the same principles to our spirituality. The adversity, trials, and tribulations we encounter in a lifetime serve as the resistance we need to build our spiritual selves. Without any of these challenges, what could we as spiritual beings hope to learn or achieve?

    So how do the archangels fit into all of this? Well, they don’t work within the confines of good versus evil, either. They’re least concerned with what makes us happy or sad, and more concerned with what serves a divine purpose, God’s purpose, your purpose in this reality. They are here to guide us along our chosen script, as well as to create the conditions that motivate us into action—conditions that ultimately bring to us the lessons we’re to learn. In essence, the angels are working within the universal law of causality, or cause and effect.
    Every action you take creates an effect. Say you leave an upstairs window open while your air conditioning is running. Since the AC will never shut off, your electric bill will be more than you were expecting. Now you will have to pinch pennies for the week when you had already made plans to spend that extra money at the local art fair. So, because you weren’t there to purchase a piece of art from a cute, little, freckle-faced kid who was trying to raise money for a new computer, he stayed an extra thirty minutes and instead was discovered by some French philanthropist who took an instant liking to the kid’s art.
    Of course, that’s how it was supposed to happen. Still, you’re at home watching I Love Lucy reruns, cursing the electric company, and bemoaning the fact that you don’t have enough cash to go out that weekend. Cause and effect. Like dominoes, everything falls into place. With one action—the tipping of one domino—a string of reactions is set in motion. But unlike dominoes, there’s no end to that string. What we initiate in this life will ultimately follow us back home into the Realm of Spirit. That is to say that the decisions we make before come into being as mortals affect our experience and thus impact the decisions we make when we decide to take on the human reality for another round.
    With this awareness and understanding of causality, as well as of the Realm of Spirit and our scripted lives, I believe there is no alternative but to acknowledge that we humans are wholly responsible for every experience we have.
    Remember what I told Gabriel earlier: I’m not coming back this way again . Granted, I said that last time, but this time I mean it … I think.
    Regardless of the life we choose, however, the angels will be there creating conditions in our lives to bring about desired effects, which in turn will create a cause in another human’s life. There is no such thing as an accident. The dominoes that led up to an incident, as well as the dominoes tipped by that incident, come from and move on into eternity, crossing time and space and affecting every sentient being on one level or another. Liken it to an earthquake in the Far East that in turn creates a tsunami. Across the vast Pacific and across the span of a few hours,

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