Fearless in Tibet: The Life of the Mystic Terton Sogyal

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Book: Fearless in Tibet: The Life of the Mystic Terton Sogyal by Matteo Pistono Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matteo Pistono
distance. When Khyentse was seeing visitors, the number of tents often swelled to more than a thousand, filled with pilgrims and disciples hoping for a blessing from the great master.
    Sogyal was shown into the 64-year-old master’s room, which was called the Joyful Grove of Immortal Accomplishment because Khyentse had experienced many visions there. Sogyal’s rigid jaw and high forehead framed his leathery cheeks roughened by the wind. He prostrated and offered Khyentse a white scarf and began narrating the revelation of The Most Secret Wrathful Vajrakilaya . Watchful for propitious signs, he asked Sogyal about his meditative experiences and dreams after the revelation. Khyentse listened intently. Sogyal also presented the prophetic guides, the golden parchment scroll with Yeshe Tsogyal’s dakini script, and the liturgies he had written thus far. Khyentse told Sogyal to return the next day. He needed to assess Sogyal’s authenticity.
    This would not have been the first time that a so-called tertön approached Khyentse and laid out bags full of rocks and scraps of paper and other possible self-styled treasures and asked him for authentication. Khyentse had seen fraudulent treasure scrolls; fake tertöns had been around Tibet for centuries. It was believed that some such charlatans were the reincarnations of government ministers, who, possessed by demons, had nefarious intentions toward Padmasambhava.
    Sogyal returned the following morning. Khyentse, standing head and shoulders over Sogyal, pointed to a tray with various golden treasure scrolls.
    “I have compared the script on the golden parchment that you presented to me yesterday with the writing on other scrolls revealed by three authentic tertöns,” Khyentse said. “Your treasure scrolls and those from the past are exactly the same in quality and the handwriting of Yeshe Tsogyal is the same. That you are a revealer of Padmasambhava’s treasure I can fully attest.”
    The great lama offered a precious terma rosary to Sogyal, along with blessed relics that he himself had revealed. With Khyentse’s authorization, Sogyal was validated as one of Padmasambhava’s representatives and a genuine treasure revealer. From that moment, Sogyal took the formal title of tertön. Later, when Tertön Sogyal affixed his seal to treasures he had discovered or prayers he authored, he sometimes signed with other names, including Lerab Lingpa, or the secret name of Trinley Thaye Tsal, meaning “Potential of Boundless Enlightened Activity,” given to him by Khyentse.
    Tertön Sogyal and Khyentse spoke about their previous incarnations. Khyentse had been King Trisong Detsen, who, in the 8th century, had tasked Dorje Dudjom to escort Padmasambhava. They spoke as if death were a mere changing of clothes. A ritual feast was prepared in Khyentse’s quarters to celebrate the occasion. While prayers were being recited, a bejeweled casket spontaneously appeared on the central shrine, delivered by the treasure guardians. Khyentse told his attendant to bring it to him. He placed the casket on top of his own head as a blessing and then held it atop Tertön Sogyal’s crown as he said, “Our meeting has not been by chance.” At this moment, their minds and hearts mingled as one.
    Just like a father would care for his only son, Khyentse gave Tertön Sogyal advice on critical matters, including how to reveal termas from his mind and the earth, finding perfect companions to accompany and inspire him, and the duties of the tertöns to mature their own disciples along the path to realization of the Dzogchen teachings.
    “You will soon reach a time when your wealth and renown will increase greatly. At that time, do not follow the manner of the aristocrats. Rather, stay true to your mission.”
    Before the celebratory feast was concluded, Khyentse told Tertön Sogyal, “To the southwest in the province of Gonjo, in the house of Khangsar, there is a dakini of unparalleled beauty who possesses the

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