best way. As I swam up from the depths of
slumber, my muscles started to speak, my core was throbbing
pleasantly, and the lingering scrapes on my back were vying for
some attention. I didn’t mind the aching one bit, I should have
expected it. I’d never had a night like that in my life, and I had
never even been able to climax from sex with something that didn’t
have a battery. No wonder my body was overwhelmed.
    When I finally persuaded my eyes to crack
open, I realized that I was alone in bed. I cast my eyes around the
room, searching for my hard-bodied Romeo. He was nowhere to be
seen, but I soon had an inkling why. The unmistakable smell of
bacon flitted through the room, and a slow smile spread across my
face. I rolled over and placed my feet on the hardwood floor,
glancing down at my stark naked body. I let my dress lay and
decided to walk to the kitchen as I was.
    I made my way through the enormous penthouse
on tip toe. As I rounded the corner to the kitchen, I spotted
Anderson’s bare back and shoulders. He was standing before the
stove, working away at a pan or two. I peeked in the kitchen and
saw that the counter was laid out with mugs, plates, and
silverware—a little breakfast table for two.
    “You know,” I said from the doorway, “You’re
not supposed to cook without a shirt on.”
    He turned toward the sound of my voice, but
his reply died on his lips as he saw that I’d forgone clothes that
morning. With a happy shake of his head, he finally said, “You’re
not supposed to come to breakfast naked, either, but I’m glad to
see you’re a rule breaker too.”
    “I don’t know what the rules are anymore,” I
said, coming further into the kitchen, “I feel like I’ve stumbled
into someone else’s life.”
    “Well, I for one have enjoyed watching you
stumble,” he said, turning back to the stove, “Particularly when
it’s into my bed.”
    “That makes two of us,” I said, taking a seat
at the counter. The stool was cool beneath my bare skin, and I let
out a little shudder.
    “Do you like your bacon crispy or burnt?” he
    “Crispy,” I replied.
    “Good,” he said, carrying the pan my way and
loading up my plates with delicious strips.
    “So tell me,” I said, plucking up a piece of
bacon, “If I were to take you up on your offer to become your
assistant...would there be daily breakfast service like this?”
    “If you like,” he said, filling his own plate
as well.
    “It’s a very tempting offer,” I said, taking
a delectable bite.
    “Does that mean you’re accepting?” he asked,
sitting down beside me. He’d at least had the good sense to put on
some jeans, but the fact of us eating breakfast in various states
of undress made me happier than I could have ever imagined.
    “I...don’t know,” I said finally.
    “Aren’t you enjoying my company?” he asked,
with a theatrical pout.
    “I guess...I just don’t understand why you
want me to stick around,” I said honestly. “What’s in it for you if
I stay?”
    Anderson stared at me for a long moment. I
was alarmed to see a wash of anger cross his face. “What’s in it
for me?” he repeated, “Well...You, I guess. Do I need some kind of
ulterior motive?”
    “No,” I said, scared by his sudden offense,
“I just—”
    “Why would you think that I need to be
getting something out of you, Kaela? Have I given you any reason to
    “No,” I said quickly, “It’s just...I’ve never
been with someone like you before. Someone I wanted, and...I just
don’t know how to believe that you really want me too, I
    His expression softened. “Oh,” he said,
“Kaela, I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have—”
    “It’s OK,” I said, resting a hand on his
thigh. “I guess I’m just in shock. The last couple of days haven’t
exactly been ordinary for me, you know. And what you’re asking...If
I get even more involved in your life style, my entire life is
going to change. I’d be coming into a

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