into the compound where we’d been told nothing was going on.”
“It was a trap.” Blackson nodded at his dad. “And the men, her men that were with her, were
going in too. They were going to be killed right along with her but for the accident.”
“It wasn’t an accident. She and her men were targeted.” He rubbed his hand over his face as
he continued. “She knew before we sent them in. Told everyone that would listen that it was too
easy, too quiet. But we knew better, or so we thought. Satellite had showed them that there were
no forces in camp. The small compound had been abandoned. We were so wrong.”
“That’s enough.” They all stared at Storm when she woke up. “I think you’ve bored these
people long enough, Tony. And you’ve overstayed your welcome.” He nodded, then reached into
the back of his jacket and laid a gun on the tray in front of her. Then three clips.
Without a word to her, Blackson left. Storm picked up the gun, slammed a clip in the bottom
of it, then racked the slide. She was as ready as she’d ever be if someone came in again. When
she laid back on the bed, Riordan realized what that had cost her. She was still drugged up, but
he’d bet any amount of money that if someone came in with ill intent, they were dead.
“Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m starved.” His mom leaned into Storm and
kissed her on the cheek before doing the same to him. “I love you. And remember what I told
you, son.” He nodded. His dad hugged him as well, then kissed Storm. They were gone in a few
minutes. He looked at Storm.
“Are you leaving?” He shook his head and got one of the chairs and brought it closer to the
bed. “Okay, let me rephrase that…when are you leaving?”
“I’m not until you’re released. And they’re saying tomorrow morning. While they know
what she was giving you, they’re not sure where she might have gotten it. Street form of heroin,
and pure. But they’re narrowing it down.” He watched her face. Riordan noticed that she was
tired, and he assumed it was from the drug. “Mom said that you were trying to get rid of her
before this happened.”
“Yeah. It works on her about like it does on you.” He didn’t say anything but smiled at her.
“Why are you here? There is no reason for it.”
“I’m beginning to think I made a major mistake with you.” Yawning hugely, all Storm did
was nod at him. “You’re not at all what I thought you would be when I found my mate, but
you’re sort of growing on me.”
“Yeah, like a fungus. Also, you should know that I’m mean. In the event you didn’t notice
that.” She opened her eyes and looked at him. “But seriously, why are you still here? Don’t you
have some kind of job or something?”
“I do. And as of right now, I’m doing it.” She asked him what he meant. “I want to get to
know you, Storm. I think the only way that we’re going to be able to make this work is if we
try…if I try to be less of an asshole.”
“Nah, I think that’s too ingrained into your head for that to ever change.” It took him a
moment to realize she’d made a joke about him. At least he hoped it was a joke. “I’m not the
kind of girl that men like you want to marry. I’m more the kind of girl that the guy takes out
drinking because she knows the best bars and she can hold her liquor better than him. Also, men
like you marry debs. I’m not a deb. I’m the one that protects the stupid deb.”
“No, you’re never going to be mistaken for a debutant. And I can picture you being the one
that teaches our children how to protect themselves, shoot better than anyone else, and to be able
to give other parents gray hairs.” She was falling asleep, but he had no doubt that she was just as
alert as if she were fully awake. “Would you like to have children with me, Storm?”
“No. You’re too stiff and straight-laced. Do you even own a pair of jeans and a