Master of the Dance
look of horror at Minna-Satu. The Elder Queen frowned. "If that happens, Chiana will fall into the death sleep for as long as a tenday. Jashimari will be without a ruler."
    "He may not," Kerrion argued. "He may keep the bird hostage to prevent her from sending another assassin. "
    "Why would he do that, since it did not prevent her from sending the first?" Blade enquired.
    "Well, if Bolt fails, Endor may think he is safe, since he will assume that the Regent would hire the best man available. He would not expect her to try again with the second best."
    "He plans to kill the bird anyway, that is why he took it. He knows Jashimari will be thrown into turmoil if the Regent falls into a coma and the Queen is not in the palace."
    "Surely her advisors will keep her condition a secret?"
    "They will try," Minna murmured, looking concerned.
    Kerrion frowned at his wife. "I will write to Chiana anyway. Perhaps if she despatches Lance now, he will reach Endor before he kills the bird."
    Blade shook his head. "I doubt that."
    The next day, Kerrion presented his proposal for new laws regarding women to the court, including the elevation of his wife to Queen. Low mutters of amazement and discontent came from the galleries occupied by lords, while the judges raised their eyebrows and smiled. Clearly they expected Kerrion's brothers to vote against him, and a glance at the princes' sullen faces assured Kerrion that they would dearly have liked to do so.
    When the vote was called for, Kerrion turned hard eyes upon his brothers, and they raised their hands to accept his proposals. The judges stared at the princes in amazement before counting the votes. The lords sat in stunned silence, some appearing quite bemused by this unheard of turn of events.
    Kerrion left the court well pleased with the morning's events, and returned to his study with a spring in his step. The laws would take at least three tendays to be ratified and written up, then another tenday to be made public through notices and criers, messengers carrying them to the furthest corners of the land.
    It pleased Kerrion most of all that Minna would become his queen. After her coronation, she would enjoy the same privileges as he, and even some of his powers. Once ratified, the laws could not be revoked without the consent of the King, but until then, the princes could withdraw their support and stop them from going through. For that reason, Blade had to stay in the palace, on hand should he be needed to ensure the princes' continued co-operation.
    The following day, Trelath and Chaymin's embalmed bodies were laid out in state, and mourners filed past to pay their last respects. After the princes, the lords, many of whom had travelled from distant estates to attend the funeral, filed past, then the courtiers, advisors, officials and officers in order of rank, and finally the commoners. Kerrion was obliged to attend for several time-glasses each day to accept the trite words of sympathy the mourners offered.
    When he left to attend other duties, one of the princes replaced him, usually Prethos, younger brother of Targan. Prethos was devoted to the arts, and spent most of his time practising his singing, painting or lute playing. Unlike his older brother, whom Blade had killed sixteen years ago, when he had been little more than a youth, Prethos had a gentle nature. The deaths of his brothers genuinely grieved him, even though they had never treated him with anything other than disdain.
    Prethos' older brother, Jaren, spent little time in the palace, and led a secretive life. He enjoyed sports, and kept a stable of gladiators that he pitted against any who were prepared to wager a considerable sum on their fighters. Kerrion had never had much to do with Jaren, and knew little of his nature. Marek's younger brother, Quantar, was also something of an enigma, keeping to himself and scorning palace politics, except when he was obliged to attend court in order to vote. Of Kerrion's

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