Red Ridge Pack 1 Pack of Lies
lunch do you have?”
    “Third lunch, which kind of sucks because it’s so late, and the group I was telling you about has that lunch. What about you?”
    “Same,” I replied, thrilled to hopefully have someone to eat with.
    “I’ll show you who I mean, even though I probably won’t need to. They aren’t hard to spot. I mean, if you want to sit with me at lunch, that is.”
    I smiled and gladly accepted her invitation. Entering the cafeteria was the part of the day that I was dreading most, and knowing Teagan would be there made the thought a little less terrifying.
    Not long after the bell rang, Ms. Whoever began shushing the class so that she could take attendance and make announcements. She didn’t bother to wait for everyone to get quiet before she began, but apparently, she had things under control being that it only took about five seconds for everyone to get seated, quiet, and attentive.
    The entire class worked silently and diligently until the dismissal bell rang, and I might be completely pathetic in admitting this, but I really didn’t want to leave Teagan’s side. I secretly wished that she was in more of my classes, so I didn’t have to be the new girl with no one to talk to, and she was genuinely nice to me. It has been a seriously long time since a girl was nice to me, genuine or otherwise.
    On our way out of the classroom she told me to meet her in front of the cafeteria before lunch, and I silently thanked the good Lord above that I didn’t have to wander into the scariest place on earth for a new student alone.
    Before I knew it, it was almost time for lunch, and my morning classes weren’t so bad. Nothing too exciting. Ryder was in my second period. I walked in and found an empty seat near the back, and when he entered the room, he walked right up to me and sat down like it was the most natural thing in the world. We made some small talk before the teacher began class, and he was actually really nice, not a jerk at all, but maybe, that was only because I’m not human.
    Kendall’s friend, Shari, was in my third period, and even though she was not all that friendly last Saturday night, she still waved me over when I walked in the room, like she had saved a seat just for me next to her, but then she hardly said three words to me, which, by the way, was awkward. I mean, just don’t sit by me! All I could figure was that just because I’m part of the pack, she felt, I don’t know… obligated? Too weird. I wondered if Kendall would have sat by me. God, please don’t let me have her for any classes. Anyone but her.
    The bell for lunch rang, and I followed the masses into the hallway. I found myself looking around for Cade. I couldn’t help it. Obviously, he didn’t seem all that interested in seeing me this morning, but I hadn’t seen him all day, and for some stupid reason I felt like I needed to see him. Yes, I know. It’s almost as pathetic as missing Teagan, my only new friend.
    In my search for the one person I shouldn’t be searching for, I saw Teagan coming my way, so I waved.
    “Hey Allison. So, how was your morning?” she asked as we headed toward the cafeteria together.
    “It was okay,” was all I had the chance to say. because as soon as we walked in I immediately heard my name being shouted. It was Aiden and Sammy, waving me over to their table. The pack’s table.
    “You’re friends with them?” Teagan asked, her eyebrows furrowed in a confused-disappointed-shocked combo.
    “Not really. Well sort of. My brother is, I guess. Do you want to sit with us?” I asked hesitantly.
    “Uh… I’m going to go with no. But thanks. It’s okay. Really. I’ll see ya later.”
    “Sure,” was all I managed to say before Teagan high-tailed it toward the other side of the cafeteria. Bummed to see my new friend leave, I warily headed over to join the pack; definitely not sure if I would ever consider them as friends.
    Before I could even sit my bag down at the table Kendall

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