Unleash The Moon (The Preternaturals Book 6)
the influence of the moon, therians began shifting back to
their human forms, and Sydney found herself surrounded by a bunch
of naked people who still seemed way too keyed up to be in an
enclosed space with. A hand latched onto her arm.
    She turned to find a very naked
5856 looking at her with an intensity that unnerved her.
    “ We have to get
out of here, Sydney.” He’d used her name. He’d remembered her
name. Why had he just used her name? The other night he’d made it
perfectly clear that she was an identifying number—a cog in the
machine—and nothing more.
    He dragged her down a secondary hallway, not the one
with the arrows, another, darker hallway with more glass cubes. But
this area wasn’t used; the lights were out. Sydney could barely see
here, but she knew the wolf could see just fine in the dark. His
eyes were glowing an eerie yellow.
    All kinds of fucked-up thoughts went through her
head. She tried to pull free, and then a guard appeared and helped
her get out of his grasp, but the wolf let out a savage growl and
snapped the guard’s neck. 5856 dragged Sydney down a couple more
side hallways. One of them was dimly lit with flickering lights
that hissed. They ran right into the lady in the lab coat who’d
given Sydney her test results. The wolf grabbed her like he might
kill her too, but then he let her go.
    “ Don’t make me
regret it, Kristen.”
    She shook her head and ran in the opposite
    At the end of the hallway was a steel elevator.
    “ Thumbprint
required for entry,” a recorded voice said out of the box next to
the elevator.
    He shifted partially and used his claw to rip open
the box. He tore out a few wires and pressed a bunch of buttons on
the keypad in quick succession.
    “ Thank you,” the
computer said as the doors slid open.
    “ Come on,” he
snarled, dragging her into the enclosed space with
    Sydney moved into the back corner of the elevator as
if she could go invisible. He was obviously attempting to break out
of here, and he’d get her killed doing it. Why had he brought her
with him? Was she a hostage?
    The elevator went down what felt like thousands of
floors but was probably only about thirty-five. The wolf was still
naked, his clothing lying somewhere out in the exercise yard with
all the others. She shrank back when he turned to her.
    “ I don’t know
the whole layout of this place, but my guess is the security bug is
throughout the building. At least I hope it is if we need to go
through anymore thumbprint scanners. When we get outside, I’ll
shift again under the moon. I can’t stop it. Whatever you do,
follow me, and when we get to the edge of the city, run for the
desert and do not stop. I’ll be right behind
    “ Why—”
    But the door opened on the ground level, and he
grabbed her arm again.
    The happy robotic voice said, “5856 and 5857B are
out of their rooms, please stop them and bring them to the courtesy
desk if you see them. Thank you.”
    Sydney froze in the face of the melee. There were
too many people in lab coats running toward them. Some had weapons.
The wolf’s eyes darted around as if he were doing math equations in
his head, then he grabbed her and tossed her in a big laundry bin
nearby. She landed on a soft pile of freshly laundered white
clothes and peeked out to see him shift again. He moved faster than
she could track, dodging bursts of light that came out of the
weapons. He ripped out throat after throat until dead bodies
covered the floor with little room to walk.
    “ Unit B, please
report to the lobby,” the voice said. Sydney wasn’t sure if she
imagined the voice sounding somehow less cheerful and upbeat this
    The wolf shifted back to his human form, ran for her
and lifted her out of the bin. He carried her, running to the
doors. “Remember what I said.”
    Outside he set her down and immediately shifted,
then he began to run. Sydney ran behind him. She didn’t have the
kind of stamina he did, and

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