How to Resist Prince Charming

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Book: How to Resist Prince Charming by Linda Kage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Kage
Tags: Romance
made her panic. She clenched her thighs around him and his fingers on her hip dug into her waist.
    “Okay,” he panted. “Okay. Just…don’t move. I’m going to pull out.”
    When his wide and dazed blue eyes met hers, she bit her lip and nodded. She kept her limbs perfectly still, but other parts of her body refused to obey. As soon as he began to slowly, oh so slowly , withdraw, her inner muscles gave a spasm of denial and clamped around his girth.
    “God.” He choked out a sound and sank back into her, all the way to the hilt. “ Lenna !” His face was ruddy and teeth gritted hard as he met her gaze.
    She cringed. “Sorry.”
    Braxton stared at her a moment, then he whispered. “I can pull out. I can pull out right before I come. I’ll pull out.”
    He kissed her hard and thrust fast and vicious, each impact of his body pushing her further up the mattress.
    Lenna threw her head back and absorbed each powerful heave. She keened out a low sound of pleasure as her muscles coiled for another release. “Oh, God. Oh, please.”
    “Fuck,” Braxton hissed. “I can’t pull out.”
    But then he did just that, jerking from her so unexpectedly she cried from the loss, reaching for him.
    He rolled onto his back beside her and panted as he stared at the ceiling. Then he scrambled upright and lunged for his pants hanging off the side of the bed. Pulling them close, he fumbled until he found his back pocket and yanked his wallet free.
    As he flipped it open and dug inside for the condom, Lenna rolled to her knees and rubbed her hand up this thigh, letting her nails coast over warm skin. He shuddered and glanced at her, his blue eyes completely unfocused.
    “Not a good time to tease, babe.”
    A sudden deviousness struck. “Oh, but it’s always a good time to tease.” Leaning forward, she nipped at the base of his throat and sucked hard, causing him to mumble out a curse and grow clumsier in his endeavor to open the package.
    Groaning out a sound of frustration, he tossed the condom aside and yanked her close, pressing their chests flush against each other.
    “You’re killing me here.”
    He tugged her onto his lap and she naturally straddled his thighs. The blunt tip of his penis found her opening again. He kissed her shoulder as he guided her back onto him.
    She was about to slid down and take him in completely, but he lifted his face and his gaze caught on something behind her. In a nanosecond, his body went tense.
    “Jesus, God!” He jerked back, accidentally dumping her off his lap and nearly falling off the edge of the bed in his haste to escape.
    “What?!” Lenna yelped, her eyes widening.
    She whirled around, looking in the direction he’d been gaping, expecting to find King Kong or some such ghoulish fiend behind them, ready to attack.
    He jerked a finger toward her nightstand. “Your dad’s staring right at me.”

    Lenna didn’t even have to follow Braxton's glance to know what he referred to. A framed four-by-six picture of her standing next to her father at her college graduation sat propped on her nightstand. Tom’s arm was wrapped around her shoulder while she clutched her diploma to her chest, showing it off as they both beamed at the camera.
    After closing her eyes and giving a brief shake of the head, she finally opened up to study the picture further. Yes, it did look like she and her dad were smiling directly at Braxton.
    “Sorry,” she murmured and quickly flipped the frame face down on the surface of the nightstand. “Forgot that was there.”
    She turned back to find Braxton running his fingers through his hair and looking regretful as he blew out a long breath. He’d just lost the mood...completely. A flare of irritation struck her.
    “It’s just a picture.”
    He nodded but wouldn’t meet her gaze. When he finally glanced her way, he cringed. “You’re really close to him, aren’t you?”
    “Yes,” Lenna said, not bothering to sugarcoat that

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