Kaitlyn O'Connor

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Book: Kaitlyn O'Connor by Enslaved III: The Gladiators Read Free Book Online
Authors: Enslaved III: The Gladiators
tried to convince herself that it was pure imagination, that they couldn ‟ t possibly be as big as they felt, she had only to cup the hand she ‟ d
    „measured ‟ them with to see that the girth alone was going to be a serious challenge. If that wasn ‟ t bad enough, she ‟ d measured at least three palm widths in length— not that she intended to worry about that! That part was their problem! She was sure she could stretch to take on the girth. She ‟ d been designed to have babies, after all. She couldn ‟ t do a damned thing about the depth. They were just going to have to accept the limitations of fucking a human when they ‟ d been „designed ‟ for their own women!
    Their women must be nearly as tall as they were to handle anything that long, she realized abruptly. She hadn ‟ t really considered anything beyond how she felt about the situation, and she at least had enough experience with men to know they weren ‟ t all that particular when they were horny—most of them weren ‟ t. It occurred to her abruptly, though, to wonder just how attractive she really was to them.
    She ‟ d never been a sun worshipper and she ‟ d hardly seen the light of day after she ‟ d gone to work at the facility. Her skin was really pale—fish belly white. That couldn ‟ t appeal to them! It 35

    didn ‟ t even appeal to her . Her hair was dark, but it was brown, not even close to black like theirs was besides having the hideous copper highlights—and she figured it must be a racial trait since all three of them had the same inky black hair—and she must look like a pigmy to them.
    All of them had said she was pretty, but did they really think so? Or were they just saying so to make her feel good? Or had it just been so damned long since they ‟ d seen a female of any description that that was all it took to be pretty to them? She ‟ d never really thought she was pretty, but men had seemed to think she was. Dating had never been a problem for her—Not that she ‟ d gotten a lot of that in lately! In fact, not at all since she ‟ d gone in the „hole ‟ as everybody called it. Fraternizing with co-workers was frowned upon. Everyone was supposed to be serious and focused, not thinking about fucking. And they weren ‟ t allowed to get out much.
    Depression settled over her. She ‟ d had one on again off again relationship in high school that hadn ‟ t lasted through her senior year, but then there ‟ d never been any talk about staying together once they graduated. She hadn ‟ t wanted anything else to come of it herself since she ‟ d already had plans for college. Sad to say, she hadn ‟ t had but one „sort of ‟ serious relationship in her entire life and that one had gone in the toilet as soon her boyfriend had found out she was considering taking the government job that had been offered. It had been nothing but an excuse, she knew. He ‟ d been giving off signals long before that that he was ready to move on—probably already had and just didn ‟ t have the balls to tell her.
    She shook the thoughts off. It didn ‟ t matter. None of it did anymore. That was another life and it might as well have happened to somebody else. The only thing that mattered now was the slim hope that she might eventually at least find a way to escape the life she was looking at now, and surviving in the meantime. The Hirachi were interested enough to want to protect her and that was the important thing. She was just glad that she found them attractive enough it wouldn ‟ t be a hardship.
    Well, scaling the monolith might be a little rough, but at least they seemed to be capable of gentleness and they were thoughtful enough to assure her they ‟ d be careful of her—not that that necessarily meant they would when it got right down to it. She did have some experience with men and knew that the minute their dick got hard their mind went on sabbatical! But she thought they seemed sincere and that they would try not

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