Knight in Blue Jeans

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Book: Knight in Blue Jeans by Evelyn Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Vaughn
Tags: Romance, romantic suspense
Well—nobody except the occasionally abusive big brother or father or boyfriend. But Val handled problems like that very well. Speaking of which…“And mothers,” she added belatedly. “And sisters.”
    “Fine! Excuse me for wanting to spend time with my big sister.” Jeff slumped dramatically back in his chair as Esperanza cleared the last of the orange-juice detritus. He folded his lanky arms, stared at the ceiling. “I try to show some interest in the things that matter to her, but does she care?”
    Despite other concerns, Arden exchanged a glance of amused exasperation with their father. “How about you showsome interest tomorrow,” she suggested. “Mondays are a little chaotic for bringing visitors.”
    Whatever he knew, this would be the test.
    To her sincere relief, Jeff passed. “Sure. Warn everyone so they can hide your girly secrets away.”
    “Thank you for enabling us.” She bent to kiss his cheek and had to lean extra far as he pulled a face and dodged the embrace. But he couldn’t have been trying too hard. He was surprisingly strong lately, but still got kissed.
    “You’ll be careful,” warned her father, happy to offer his cheek for a kiss.
    “I am always careful.” Arden sighed.
    Despite that I’m investigating a secret society.
    Despite that I’m meeting with Smith Donnell in secret.
    And despite that I’m kind of looking forward to it.
    That could be the most dangerous part of all.
    Jeff was thundering down the stairs later that morning when, at the widening base of them, a heavy hand caught his arm and swung him to a stop.
    His father wasted no time getting to the point. “Why were you asking your sister about Smith Donnell at breakfast?”
    Because he snuck into her room last night. But Jeff hesitated to tattle, loyalties divided. He loved his father and Arden equally. At camp this summer, he’d heard rumors that maybe he was part of the special bloodline that had created a secret society that would rule the world—he was jazzed to confirm that with Dad! And he was pretty ticked off at Arden about giving Smith the time of day after the way he’d treated her. But…
    Well, since his mom had died, Arden had been trying to fill the role of mother and sister combined. She’d never treated him like just a half brother. The sibling bond of secrecy had to be strong for any family to survive.
    Anyway, no one liked a tattletale.
    So Jeff just shrugged—for now. “No reason.”
    His dad gave him the evil eye, so Jeff laughed and lied flat out. “Some guys at camp were talking about their big sisters getting married. I wanted to make sure we weren’t gonna be dealing with a bridezilla anytime soon.”
    It worked. His father grinned at the face of disgust Jeff pulled. “So glad to hear you have your sister’s well-being in mind,” he said drily.
    “That’s our job,” said Jeff—dead serious, this time. Protecting Arden from Oak Cliff ruffians and loser ex-boyfriends alike. Being heroes. “Right?”
    And his dad said, “Right.”
    Before Greta could offer Smith the Sword of Aeneas for a second time, Smith had worked up one hell of a bad mood. Neither Mitch nor Trace showed up at their rat-hole of an apartment. They weren’t answering their disposable cell phones either, which had him worrying for his friends’ safety. This latest infiltration of the Comitatus through Donaldson Leigh’s meeting, to learn and usurp their plans, had mainly been his idea.
    Smith hated guilt.
    Worse, he’d left Arden. Again. That kiss, a bare taste of what he’d lost, hadn’t satisfied him for as long as he might have hoped. His mood wasn’t improved by the thought that it would have to last him forever.
    All that, and he’d slept badly, dreaming of wooden ships and ancient warriors, of love versus duty.
    Of making the wrong choice.
    At least he would see Arden again today. The first thing he did after waking up alone—still no sign of Trace or Mitch—was to go by the

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