The Blake Legacy (The Blake Boys)
    “So how did the two of you meet?” Nina’s question crackled in the air like the snap of a whip.
    Charisma took a long, dramatic pause and flipped her hair behind her shoulders. “We met at Club Six. Lamont was there celebrating his Super Bowl win. I asked him to dance and the sparks flew from there.”
    Lamont chuckled. “Yeah, Charisma surprised me with the direct approach. She definitely knows what she wants.”
    Seth tried to suppress a smile, while Morgan poured the wine.
    “Lamont and I have been happily dating ever since. He even bought me this necklace I’m wearing.” Charisma fingered the glittering piece of jewelry hanging off her neck.
    Lamont continued, “I didn’t notice it at first, but now that the two of you are together, I see the resemblance.”
    Morgan’s hand slipped while pouring Patton’s wine, and she almost spilled it onto the table.
    “I wouldn’t go that far, Lamont.” Seth clenched his jaw.
    Morgan had to hand it to her cousin; she was decked out and fit the part of the star football player’s girl. It had been ages since she’d seen her. After that shouting match about Jason on the phone, Morgan had blocked her numbers and informed her family that Charisma was behind that attempted media smear campaign. The lockout was effective; the extended family supported her decision as well. But this new tactic, spending time with Lamont Brayer, was a bit creepy to her.
    Charisma was trying to monopolize the conversation but Nina would butt in and steer it in another direction. The other guests stayed quiet, watching the train wreck unfolding. Morgan sliced her lamb like a surgeon in an operating room, opting to enjoy the meal she’d spent most of the day preparing. Seth kept playing with his fork, a sign he was getting agitated. Lamont, who happily chatted with his teammates, was the only person who was clueless about what was going on in front of him. After Nina shot down Charisma’s third attempt to bait Morgan, everyone became eerily quiet.
    After dinner they retreated back to the living room. Morgan glanced at the clock on the mantle, wondering how long it would take her cousin to start up again. Two minutes later Charisma opened her big mouth.
    “Don’t we get a tour?” Charisma said as she perused the room instead of taking a seat with everyone else.
    “Morgan gave a tour to everyone who arrived on time,” Seth said from the bar, making a Shirley Temple for Nina.
    “Sorry about that. Charisma got hung up at the beauty salon.” Lamont grinned.
    “So, I still don’t get a tour? I want to know what’s so fabulous that has my family gushing about this penthouse all the time.” Charisma smirked, playing with her necklace.
    Morgan didn’t realize her hand was shaking until she set her wine glass down on the table with a clink. “Charisma, I fed you and have shown exceptional control this evening. Don’t push your luck.”
    Everyone looked at Morgan. Seth stood up but Morgan gave him a small nod, letting him know everything was OK.
    Lamont wrinkled his brow, finally picking up on the tension. “Wow, you two sure don’t sound like cousins.”
    “My cousin can be quite bratty at times. Been that way all her life.” Charisma huffed.
    Morgan stood. “Lamont, I don’t know what my cousin has told you, but we do not have an amicable relationship. Never have. As a matter of fact, if it weren’t for you, she would never have set foot in my home.”
    “Here we go. Playing Little Miss Victim again. It’s always about somebody hurting Morgan.” Charisma scoffed.
    Morgan turned to Charisma, taking careful breaths. “ You’re the one who’s always trying to hurt me. As far as I am concerned, we are not family. Family doesn’t try to stab each other in the back and spread lies about them for money.”
    “You’re just mad because you’re not the only person in the family involved with a football star.” Charisma clenched her perfectly manicured fists.
    Morgan narrowed

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