KIDNAPPED, A Romantic Suspense Novel
turned the car onto the freeway.
    “Yep. I wanted a crowd around. I figure the bad guys will be less likely to try and kidnap Nicky with thousands of witnesses.”
    “The Kreshnins?”
    A shocked look on Jake’s face rewarded her and she almost laughed. In the heavier city traffic he had to look back and forth from the road to her several times while trying to control the car on the freeway.
    “How did you know about the Kreshnins?”
    “Nicky mumbled the name in his sleep while you were away. I just put two and two together.”
    He sighed, turning onto the exit for the downtown farmers market. “I wish you didn’t know anything about this. Until you are in a safe place the more you know, the more danger you are in. The wanted poster on the news report called me a kidnapper. It was true. Only I didn’t kidnap Nicky. I kidnapped you. That might’ve been enough to protect you, as long as you didn’t know anything.”
    “And it still may. Technically, I’m still your prisoner.”
    Their eyes met and held. Electricity filled the Suburban’s closed confines for a moment. Then Jake pulled into the market place’s parking lot.
    “Okay. I’m supposed to take Nicky inside.” He left the car idling in park and walked around the car to open the passenger side. He slung the duffel onto his shoulder, then scooped Nicky into his arms. “Listen carefully, Samantha. Once I’m inside, I want you to head to your place, pack a bag and drive directly to Cincinnati to your brother, the cop. Don’t stop anywhere on the way. I have his number in my pocket. Once Nicky and I are safe, I’ll call and explain to him the danger you’re in. He can keep you safe until I get this mess all cleaned up. Okay?”
    “You don’t seriously think I need protection, do you?” she asked as she slid into the driver’s seat, adjusting the seat forward for her shorter legs.
    “Yes, I do.” He grabbed her wrist as she fastened the seat belt in place. “Promise me.
    Sami studied him for a moment. Concern etched his rugged features. He actually cared what happened to her. Oddly, her heart skipped a beat at the knowledge. “Okay. I promise.”
    The corners of his lips lifted in a half smile. “I’m sorry if I hurt you in any way. It would’ve been nice to meet you under other circumstances.”
    “You didn’t really bruise anything more than my ego.” She gave him a rueful smile. “Now get Nicky out of this cool weather.”
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    Sami sat behind the wheel, watching Jake swagger with Nicky in his arms toward the market’s front door. A few soft white flakes fell on the windshield. She sighed with regret. In one day, he’d filled her dull life with more excitement than she’d had in the past ten years combined. She’d never see either the man or boy again.
    In front of him, the door to the market flew open. A balding man in jeans and a heavy sports-type wind-breaker, hurried out. He waived frantically at Jake.
    Jake halted.
    The man yelled something.
    Suddenly, several men ran out behind the older man. Without any warning, they took police stances, firing their weapons at Jake and the man. Jake turned, sprinting as fast as he could toward her.
    In morbid fascination, fingers glued to the steering wheel, Sami watched as the balding man fell in slow motion. He sank to his knees. His hands flew upwards.  He tipped forward like a felled tree in the forest. Finally, he sprawled, face down on the pavement.
    The door to the suburban flew open. Jake jumped in, clutching Nicky tightly to him.
    “Get us out of here, Samantha!”
    Sami snapped to action at his orders. She threw the car in reverse. Gunning the engine, they flew backward. She laid on the horn hard. Innocent pedestrians in the path behind them scattered out of the way like startled pigeons at a public monument.
    The men from the market ran toward them. Car windows around them shattered. Bystanders dove for cover behind cars and light poles.
    She maneuvered

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