Wishes in the Wind

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Book: Wishes in the Wind by Andrea Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Kane
Tags: Romance, Historical
to reach Aldridge that, just to discover his whereabouts, you thrashed his buddy within an inch of his life. As for Sullivan, I want him coherent and so terrified that, if he does know where Aldridge is, he’ll happily furnish us with the address. Or at the very least, he’ll wire Aldridge on his own and plead with him to reemerge.”
    “What if Sullivan doesn’t know Aldridge’s hidin’ place?”
    “Then we wait. It shouldn’t take long for Aldridge to get wind of Sullivan’s brutal beating. I expect he’ll be on the next rail home.”
    “You think so?”
    “I do indeed. Remember, Aldridge has just two weaknesses, his daughter and his old pal Sully. And since the little chit Nicole is tagging along with her father, Sullivan is our only remaining bait. Further, devotion aside, you know how honorable ”—the word was a bitter sneer—“Aldridge is. If he won’t throw a race, he sure as hell won’t sacrifice his friend’s life to save his own neck.”
    “You’re probably right.”
    “I know I’m right.” Pensively, Coop regarded the tip of his blade. “Grab Sullivan at home, not the stables. That would be too risky, especially given how thorough a job you need to do and how much time it’ll take to do it right. You know where he lives.” His gaze shifted back to his henchmen. “Now get on it.”
    Glancing at Archer, Parrish shifted uncomfortably, still holding the cloth to his neck. “Uh, Coop—I know you’re busy”—he wet his lips—“but you did say we’d get our money after we finished with Tyreham.”
    “No,” Coop corrected, a paralyzing gleam reigniting his eyes. “I said you’d get a portion of your money after you finished with Tyreham. How much of it depended on how much information you unearthed—which, in this case, is nil. What’s more, I have a strong aversion to greed, especially when the bastards who display it haven’t done a thing to earn their keep.” His grip on the knife tightened until his knuckles were white. “And I have an even stronger aversion to being pressured.”
    “C-Coop …” Sweat broke out on Parrish’s brow.“—we didn’t mean …”
    “Don’t do it again.” Coop shoved his free hand into his pocket, extracting several five-pound notes. “Here.” He tossed the money at Parrish’s feet, waiting until the frightened thug had snatched it up. “Split that with Archer,” he commanded. “It’s all you’re going to see until you’ve finished this job. Now get the hell out. And don’t come back until Sullivan’s been taken care of and Aldridge is on his way home.”
    “Okay, Coop.” Archer had already begun backing off.
    Parrish glanced at Archer, then at the meager amount he held. Hastily, he straightened, abandoning all thought of arguing the insufficient sum. “Thanks, Coop,” he muttered, inching away a hairbreadth behind Archer. “We’ll take care of everything.”
    “You’d better. I react even more violently to being failed than I do to being pressured.” With callous deliberation, Coop stared down at his scarred forearm, kneading the disfigured skin. “Needless to say, so does our employer.”

    “P APA, I’VE TAKEN CARE of everything.” Nicole glanced out the cottage window, noting that the sun was beginning to peek its head up over the horizon. “Why are you behaving like an ornery tiger?”
    “Because I feel like one, that’s why.”
    With an exaggerated sigh, Nicole tucked the final pin into her upswept hair, tugging at her cap to make certain it wouldn’t budge.
    “Why not clamp your hair down with steel bands?” Nick muttered, glaring at her over the rim of his coffee cup. “You’ve already done that to your chest.”
    Nicole bristled, unused to her father’s disapproval—or his explicit references to her figure. “I’m doing what I must.” She eyed herself critically, making certain the binding beneath her shirt was doing its job. Satisfied that her curves were totally concealed, she crossed

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