Lena's Happily Ever After [The Town of Pearl 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Book: Lena's Happily Ever After [The Town of Pearl 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
Tags: Romance
control freak. Wonderful.
    As she turned to see who was at the front door, she saw Blake. He was carrying a couple of brown bags.
    “Come on in.” Kenny opened the door and Blake appeared. Goddamn it, did her pussy clench with appreciation for Blake? Dark black shirt, tight blue jeans, and his gorgeous blue eyes sparkling with mischief as he looked from Lena to Kenny. Kenny was fixing his shirt which had come undone while they were making out in her bed. A blush covered her cheeks. She felt the warmth as Kenny shoved his shirt back into place.
    “Brought you coffee and a muffin from town. I stopped by the doc’s office, but they said you had the day off.” Blake stated as he slowly approached her. He held out the coffee to her, and she took a deep breath as she stared up into his eyes.
    He was lethal, and any woman would become putty in his hands.
    “Thanks, Blake. I appreciate it.”
    She took a sip then looked back at both men.
    Kenny was leaning against the table, and Blake was standing a few feet away from her.
    He stepped closer and cupped her cheek. She backed up and hit the wall. Blake trapped her against it.
    He took her cup from her hand and placed it on the table beside Kenny.
    “I ought to throw you over my knee and spank your ass, Lena. What in God’s name were you thinking not telling us what happened and riding your fucking bike home in the pouring rain? The police were called. Those assholes could have—” He stopped short as she nibbled her bottom lip. He pressed her against the wall, stared into her eyes, and clenched his teeth. “Lena,” he whispered, sounding desperate. Then he covered her mouth with his own. He kissed her and she was clearly knocked off-balance at his move. He tasted like coffee and mint, and his body was heavy and solid against her breasts. He held her face between his hands as he made love to her mouth. She was on fire with such need, and it had to have stemmed from getting felt up by Kenny only minutes ago. When his right hand smoothed down her throat, making her feel feminine and controlled, she felt her insides tingle with desire. His thumb caressed her throat then roamed over her shoulder, down her right side until he reached her waist.
    She kissed him back and wrapped her arms the best she could around his wide shoulders. He lifted her hips and caressed her thighs so that she was forced to wrap her legs around his waist. He used the wall behind her as leverage to taste more of her skin and her body. She moaned into his mouth then felt his muscles beneath her fingertips. He released her lips to kiss her neck and shoulder. His hands were everywhere. They were on her hips, her thighs, and even her ass. She felt his long, thick finger press against her shorts and over her slit, and she jumped only for him to hold her tighter. He teased her clit, rubbed back and forth against her pussy, making her entire body wind up tight as a spring.
    “Oh God, what are you doing to me, Blake?” She panted, gripping his shoulders as she thrust her hips against his finger.
    “So fucking sexy and beautiful, Lena. I want you so bad it hurts inside,” he admitted and thrust his crotch against the front of her mound.
    Lena screamed against his shoulder as she exploded against his fingers. He pulled her tighter into an embrace and rubbed along her back as he pulled her away from the wall.
    “Amazing,” Kenny stated from behind Blake, and reality came back in a flash.
    * * * *
    Blake held her despite Lena’s attempt to escape.
    “It’s okay, Lena. It’s completely natural with the attraction we all feel.”
    She gripped his shoulders with her dainty little hands. She felt so light and feminine in his arms. Her breasts were big and the cleavage deep as he looked down to absorb her body.
    He licked his lips, and she stirred in his arms.
    “You’re gorgeous, Lena. I’ve wanted to touch you like that, amongst other things, for weeks now.”
    “I can’t believe I just made out

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