Stranded With Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 3)

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Book: Stranded With Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 3) by Harmony Raines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harmony Raines
Tags: General Fiction
batting him with her paws, just like a cat.
    Soon they were running up the track, Trent loping along by the side of her. The ground disappeared so fast, although her breathing became a little laboured. She needed to get fit, but this body was so much lither than her human form, even in her present state she felt on top of the world. Especially when they stopped and looked down over Bear Bluff, which was now like a small toy town beneath them.
    If only she could speak, tell him of her joy at this moment. They had travelled so far up the trail and the snow was under her paws, the cool wind in her fur and the late afternoon sun disappearing in the distance. This moment, standing with her mate here on top of the mountain, took away all the bad things that had happened to her. Maybe he was right; this was what fate had wanted for her. It was almost as if she had gone through a trial by fire just to get here. It made her enjoy the moment so much more.
    Flicking her paw, she sent a spray of icy snow into Trent’s face. Giggling inside, she took off at top speed, the sound of him sneezing in her ears. Faster and faster she ran, her panther body now completely in her control. The thrill of it all was making her want to shout from the mountaintop that she was the happiest woman on the planet. Behind her, the bear was chasing her down, but she had another gear and kicked it up a notch to increase the distance between them. Not that she wanted to lose him; she simply wanted a head start. Willow wanted her bear to find her. Oh, yes, she most definitely did.
    Ahead of her, she saw a rocky outcrop, behind it a straggly belt of pine trees. Not much cover for what she had in mind, but as he said, there was no one up here apart from them. So she leaped onto the rocks, happy to find a small cave behind it. Well, cave might be a little optimistic; it was more of a shallow indent in the rock face. But it would do.
    Changing back to her human form took a little effort. Her body held an excitement that she could barely control, but on her second attempt, she was successful. Taking her courage in both hands, she then quickly stripped down to her bra and panties, instantly realising this was a mistake, because she was freezing. Yet just as she grabbed her clothes to put back on, Trent arrived and the look of pure lust on his face made her drop her clothes to the floor and stand up straight for him to see her.
    In one leap, he was on the rocks and coming for her, changing mid-stride. “I have to figure out how to do that,” she said, and then her words were lost as he took her in his arms and kissed her.
    She clung to him, feeling his fingers going straight to the little bundle of nerves between her thighs, which throbbed and pulsed. Sliding a finger a little deeper, he pressed against her entrance, frustrated when he couldn’t slip it inside her. Pulling back, he pulled the fabric of her panties aside and then, as they stood in the open air, he used his fingers to bring her to her first orgasm, while he kissed her with such passion her knees went weak.
    His thumb rubbed her clit. His one finger was joined by another; he stretched her inner walls, making her ready for his thick cock. He didn’t let up until she was completely spent, almost begging him to stop. But before she had a chance to recover, he urged her to kneel down. Her knees hurt, as the hard stone pressed against them, and when he pressed his hand against her back she wondered what he wanted. Then she knew.
    With her on all fours, he pulled her panties down where they remained wrapped around her knees. Trent moved behind her, dropped his pants, knelt down and positioned himself in just the right place to push his cock against her outer lips. She braced herself, knowing he was going to take her hard, that the fierceness of his kisses were a prelude to this. He had taken her with his fingers to take the edge off her arousal. Trent intended to make this last a long time.

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