Craving Her Curves
thank you, but I am not. There is jiggle in places that there shouldn’t be,” I said. He gave me a scandalous grin and leaned closer.
    “A little jiggle isn’t always a bad thing, Charlotte,” his voice hitting that quiet, low tone that all men have when their mind has gone a bit farther south than it should in polite company. I cleared the embarrassed, flattered feeling out of my throat and smiled.
    “Moving on,” I said softly. He snickered.
    “Can I tell you something?” he asked. I nodded and leaned in.
    “Anything,” I said with a grin, happy that the conversation had moved on from my jiggle.
    “I have a thing for curvy women. I always have, the curvier the better,” he said. I felt my eyes widen.
    Really?” I said. He smiled and nodded.
    “Why do you seem so shocked by that? I asked you out twice and you are not a twig, by any means,” he said. And there was a blush again. I cleared my throat. Again.
    “I’ve found that a lot of the times, I am an exception to a man’s type rule. That there is something about my personality that makes men that wouldn’t normally give a woman like me a second glance approach me. I figured that’s what this was,” I said. Joey’s fingers traced small circles across my knuckles as he listened.
    “Not at all. You are one hundred percent my type, Charlotte. I am in love with Charlotte Coyle; do you know who she is?” he asked. I nodded.
    “She’s a model,” I said. Joey smiled.
    “She’s considered a plus sized model,” He said.
    “That she is,” I responded with a smile.
    “Honestly, when I caught sight of you standing there with Amy, I did a double-take. You really look a lot like her,” he said, softly. I smiled.
    “She’s beautiful,” I said. Joey looked up at me and smiled.
    “So are you,” he said. I felt my face heat up and put me hands at my cheeks with a giggle.
    “Stop making me blush,” I said softly. Joey leaned in close, until his lips were barely a breath from mine.
    “I think it’s cute when you blush. It makes me want to make it worse,” he said, brushing his lips against mine as an involuntary shiver ran through me.
    The weight of his torso pressed me back against the couch cushion as he kissed me, and my heart attempted to leap out of my chest. He kissed his way across my jaw line and down my neck before clothes began to be an issue, but there he stopped.
    “I don’t want to move this too fast,” he said. I slipped my hands up the back of his shirt and let his skin warm me. He felt amazing. But, he was right.
    “Right,” I said softly as he moved back and let me sit up.
    “Maybe we should go back to talking,” he said with a nervous laugh that I joined him in.
    “Can the talk involve more wine?” I asked. I was going to need something to calm my insides. He nodded and smiled, taking both glasses back into the kitchen for a refill.
    That was where we stayed for the next two hours, talking about anything and everything, sobering up before I even attempted to drive home. It was... perfect.
    “Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you to the car?” Joey asked as we stopped just in front of the building entrance. I smiled and shook my head.
    “I can see where I parked from here, so I’ll be fine. Plus, it’s chilly and you didn’t put on a jacket. Go, I’ll let you know when I get home,” I said. Before he could argue the point, I kissed him. Softly, heated and lingering as his hands danced over my hips and mine caressed his back.
    “Or you could stay,” he said as I ended the kiss. I laughed softly and smiled.
    “Good night, Joey,” I whispered, giving him one last peck on the lips before I turned and started walking. I made it almost ten steps before my excitement got the best of me and I made the call.
    “I knew you two would like each other. Didn’t I tell you?” Izzy said. I grinned and fished around in my purse for my keys as I walked.
    “Yes, you did.

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