Conviction (Consolation Duet #2)

Free Conviction (Consolation Duet #2) by Corinne Michaels Page A

Book: Conviction (Consolation Duet #2) by Corinne Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Corinne Michaels
    “Don’t lie anymore.” I grab my keys and head out the door.
    Once in the confines of my car, the need to scream overwhelms me, so I let it go. I punch the steering wheel and scream at the top of my lungs. Nothing coherent comes out, just yelling, trying to cleanse my body of all the confusion. I look at the window and see him standing there. He watches me lose it in my car and the contrast between him and Liam is glaring in this moment. Aaron chooses to let me go while Liam would’ve been at the car already.
    Speaking of Liam, I turn the key and back out of the driveway while my husband watches me leave to go to my boyfriend’s house.
    The drive isn’t long, but it allows me the time to form a plan. I’m so hurt that he would just toss me away. We need to talk and figure things out. I’m not either of their doll and they can’t pass me off to the other. Aaron and I may be married legally, but he’s been dead for a year. He and I aren’t married in any other way.
    I knock on the door and hear a woman’s laughter.
    Please, God, don’t let him have another woman in here. I can’t handle it.
    Liam opens the door smiling and it falters when he sees me. “Hey,” he says, closing the door behind him, pushing us out into the hall.
    “Wow,” I say in disbelief.
    “You’re kidding me, right? You have someone else here? Not only do you tell Aaron you’ll step aside, but you move on so quickly.” I’m so beside myself I can’t think. I push his chest and slap him. “I hate you all!”
    Liam’s arms wrap around me and stop my physical assault. “What the hell are you talking about? Calm down,” he commands as I struggle to get out of his hold. “Natalie, stop.”
    “How could you? I trusted you!” I begin to cry.
    “What the hell are you talking about?”
    “I heard a girl laughing, and you pushed me into the damn hall.” Tears fall like rain as he refuses to let me go.
    “It’s Quinn and the girl he’s talking to.” He releases me a little so I can look at him. “Did you think I had another girl in there?”
    My eyes meet his with drops streaming down my face. “I don’t know what to think anymore.”
    “Only you. I wouldn’t be able to be with anyone else.” Liam holds me close, and I try to melt into him. His words soothe me, and being in his arms allows me a sense of comfort.
    “Don’t give me up so easily,” I cry against his chest and he lets out a deep breath.
    “Let’s go inside?” he offers.
    I nod and he pulls me to his side.
    As we enter, I see no broken bottles and everything is cleaned up better than when I left. It’s been not even a day since I was here. So much has happened in the last few days, but my mind and body feel as if it’s been a lot longer.
    “Hey, Lee,” Quinn says and looks at Liam then sits. “We’ll get out of here and let you guys talk,” he offers and grabs his date’s hand. She stands and smiles at me.
    “I’m sorry to run you off.”
    “You didn’t. Ready, Ash?” I look at her and she looks familiar.
    Liam juts his head toward the kitchen, and Quinn nods and heads there. “I just need to talk to Quinn a second,” Liam quietly tells me in my ear before kissing the side of my head.
    She walks over and waves awkwardly. “Hi, I’m Ashton Caputo. We kinda met, but didn’t really, because well, it wasn’t the time for introductions. However, I think that may be our thing,” Ashton rambles. “Anyway, I’m Catherine’s best friend from New Jersey.” It takes a second, but I remember she was with Catherine. She’s absolutely stunning. Her long, red hair flows down her back and her eyes shimmer.
    “I sort of remember.”
    “I’m visiting Mark, but he pawned me off on Quinn while they left for a few days to go . . . well, anyway, so we came here to meet Liam,” she explains.
    “Are you and Mark . . . ?” I ask with wide eyes.
    “No!” she waves her hands animatedly. “We tried that and it was like putting the

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