Dreaming in Dairyland

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Book: Dreaming in Dairyland by Kirsten Osbourne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsten Osbourne
afraid to look at her as he explained exactly what he'd done.  "I talked to Trey that first night, and asked for your phone number.  If I'd had the guts to approach you that night, I think I would have been all right, but I was on a blind date, and I didn't think I should ask you out while I was there with another woman."  He paused, sneaking a look at her.  She looked angry.  There was no way he was going to be able to explain this to her satisfaction.  "When I came back the next week, I flagged Trey down again, and we sat and talked for a few minutes.  He told me about Lachele and gave me her phone number."  He tried to make it clear that Trey wasn't at fault for what had happened, but he knew she'd blame the other man.  He didn't want there to be friction between her and her best friend because of him.
    Cissie felt hurt deep in her gut.  "So Trey, Cindy, and Lachele were all part of this?"  Trey and Lachele were one thing, but Cindy?  If Cindy had been involved with deceiving her, she was certain her heart would break.  It would truly be beyond her comprehension.
    Bob shook his head emphatically.  "Not Cindy. At least, I don't think she had any idea."  He didn't know for certain whether Trey had told his wife anything, but his gut said he hadn't.  Cindy hadn't given him knowing looks at the wedding or when they'd seen her the next day.  Surely she was innocent of all involvement.
    "I'll find out for myself if Cindy knew anything.  Go on."  Cissie didn't want to hear any more, but she knew she needed to.  She had to know who all was involved so she could deal with it.
    Out of the corner of his eye, Bob saw the Bears make a touchdown, and he shut off the TV with the remote he still held.  "So I called Lachele, and she told me she didn't set people up the way I was asking for.  You see, I was willing to go through Matchrimony with no problem, but only if she'd interview me with you in mind.  I didn't want anyone else."  He didn't add that he would have flat refused to be matched with anyone but Cissie, but he was certain his unspoken words were understood.
    Cissie took a deep breath, trying to control her emotions.  Was she married to some creepy stalker type?  And what had Lachele been smoking to agree to this nonsense?  "So we're not really a match?"  That was almost the hardest thing for her to deal with about it all.  She'd thought the man in front of her was her soul mate, the man who was meant for her.  To find out he wasn't after they'd had the most wonderful week of marriage she could imagine, was heart wrenching.
    Bob moved closer to her on the couch, trying to put an arm around her, but she shrugged him off.  "That's the deal, Cissie!  We are a match.  I had to go through sixteen hours of interview and tests, when most people only do twelve.  I had to take all these different tests to make sure I wasn't some kind of freak.  She even made me sign something so she could talk to my doctors and the department shrink in Chicago.  Everything was fine.  She told me if she had one tiny little worry that we wouldn't be right together, she would nix the whole thing.  But she didn't."  More than anything, he needed her to understand that they really were meant for each other.  They belonged together, and Dr. Lachele had come to that conclusion herself.
    Cissie looked at him then, fire in her eyes.  "So while I was sitting there, following every single rule Matchrimony has, you knew who you were marrying, what I looked like, and could investigate on your own.  My dad was freaked out about this, and you got to know all the time?  Where is the fairness in that, Deputy Bob?"  She spit the name out, so annoyed with him she almost couldn't see straight. 
    Bob sighed.  "Lachele told me you'd react this way when you found out."  He wished he could have held out just a little longer, to give her time to fall in love with him.  Now, it would never happen.  He wished he knew of a magical

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