Journey of the Bride
chill that spooked him. “ I ’ ll tell you the best part. ”

Chapter Five
    Heat beat down upon the back of Courtney ’ s neck and sweat dripped down her forehead. It was mercilessly hot outside. There were no clouds in the sky and the sun beat down without a care in the world for the thoughts of mortals and all they desired.
    Hell on Earth, she thought as she used a kerchief and blotted at the sweat upon her brow.
    Movement bustled all around her as the servants working for her father whirled around her, prepping her dress, her face, and her hair with products meant to make her look even more like a bride.
    She didn ’ t feel like a bride, and she definitely wasn ’ t a happy one. She remembered Talbert ’ s whispered words in her ear as he left her at the doorway to the room she now sat in. His grip on her elbow had been anything but pleasant, and the words he hissed in her ear even less so.
    For a moment, she ’ d struggled against him, trying to free her arm from his grasp, but he ’ d only clutched tighter, his short nails digging into her flesh and leaving half-moon imprints upon her skin. She ’ d had to bite her tongue to keep from crying out, but she couldn ’ t hide the pinprick of tears in her eyes. He hurt her, and as she glared up at him, hating him with every fiber of her being, she knew it would only get worse the longer they were married.
    It was the first time she ’ d ever prayed for death. This was not a marriage she wanted to enter into. She ’ d rather the heavy black shadow of Death claim her before this man did.
    She ’ s swallowed a hard lump in her throat and forced herself not to blink as she glared into the angry face of the man before her, the same man she ’ d call her husband in a couple of hours.
    He was not her rough-and-tumble cowboy. He didn ’ t wear a hat that she wanted to steal and put upon her own head, knowing she ’ d look pretty either way and quite possibly turn him on. For a moment, his face faded before her vision to be replaced with Brandon ’ s. She shook her head. Brandon was gone, and she was stuck with Talbert.
    A hallow ache filled her belly to be replaced with a quell of fear as Talbert ’ s words registered in her mind.
    “ We ’ re getting married today, Courtney, ” he hissed. “ After today, you will obey my every command or I will slap you. ” A hideous smile curled on his face. “ Or worse. ”
    Then he ’ d kissed her. It had been a harsh kiss, a clashing of teeth and tongues that left her feeling dirty and used. It had taken everything in her not to bite Talbert, which had been the only thought running through her mind the moment his lips touched hers. There was nothing soft about the man. The past few days had proven that, but his kisses sealed the deal.
    That sonofabitch!
    Even her thoughts hated him. Disgust washed through her. God, I ’ ll be cleaning my mouth out for a month.
    It wouldn ’ t matter though because in another few hours, she would belong to him. She would be his wife. She would have to feel his kisses every day and deal with his desire and his lust.
    Another wave of disgust washed through her. He ’ d groped her the night before, squeezing her breast through the fabric of her dress. When Brandon had done it, desire and lust ran rampant through her and a heady need had to be fulfilled. When Talbert did it, she felt nauseous and sick, repulsed with both his action and the lack of any on her part.
    What could she do though? Her father had no intention of saving her. For all he knew, this marriage would save her. As if she needed saving.
    Oh, who am I kidding? No one will save me. Even if I did, no one can. No one understands everything that ’ s going on. Talbert ’ s a respectable man of the community. He ’ d never hurt a fly for all anyone knows. Ha! If only they knew the truth.
    The truth was no one would believe her. She

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