Shifters of Grrr 1

Free Shifters of Grrr 1 by Emerald Wright, Terra Wolf, Shelley Shifter, Artemis Wolffe, Wednesday Raven, Amelia Jade, Mercy May, Jacklyn Black, Rachael Slate, Eve Hunter Page B

Book: Shifters of Grrr 1 by Emerald Wright, Terra Wolf, Shelley Shifter, Artemis Wolffe, Wednesday Raven, Amelia Jade, Mercy May, Jacklyn Black, Rachael Slate, Eve Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emerald Wright, Terra Wolf, Shelley Shifter, Artemis Wolffe, Wednesday Raven, Amelia Jade, Mercy May, Jacklyn Black, Rachael Slate, Eve Hunter
was the piercing green eyes that had stayed focused on her for so long.  
    She cringed with embarrassment as the memory of her attempt to take him home rose to the top, followed by her going over to the other man, who had been more than happy with her advances. Harper almost threw up as her brain replayed to her over and over again the images and feelings of him groping her.  
    Her entire body crawled at the sensation of his hands touching her. Wiping it away didn't help, nor did throwing up, as Harper found out moments later. The only thing that seemed to work was focusing on her mystery dance partner.
    The more she thought about him, the more she became positive that there was something there, something between them. She couldn't remember any details about him, and yet at the same time, her body remembered the press of his muscular chest when she lay her head on it, and the slightly foresty scent that infused her nose each time she inhaled.
    The wetness between her legs surprised her, but it didn't fade the entire walk back to her car. Even as she sat there, the throbbing from her clit intensified as she felt his hands on her waist once more. They were so strong, pulling her across the dance floor with the slightest of pressure in one direction or another.
    Whoever he was, he was skilled, and for whatever reason, interested in her for more than just sex. If that had been his entire plan, he wouldn't have turned her away so bluntly when she practically tripped into his lap. Instead, he had tried to send her home and even stepped into harm's way to help her later.
    Who is he?
    She needed to know, and the Traveler was just up the road. Her car covered the distance to the road swiftly. Instead of going farther though, she simply parked on the grass of her property and walked. She hoped that they were open.
    The door swung open as she pushed, letting the brilliant sunlight into the darkened room. The few patrons there shielded their eyes and grumbled at the interruption before going back to their drinks.  
    "Hi, how are you feeling today?" The bartender obviously recognized her. Despite it being so close to her campground, Harper had never been there until the night before, preferring some of the classier joints in town to this dive.  
    "I've had better days, actually. Can I have a pop? Any kind will do."
    "Sure thing, miss."  
    As he poured her the drink, she asked him about the man the night before.
    "Can't say as I've ever seen him around these parts. They ran out of here after you. I followed to ensure they didn't try any funky business, but they saw you getting into a cab and that seemed to calm them down. I heard them say something about going for a run, which seemed to get them far too excited for that sort of thing if you ask me."
    Harper chuckled conspiratorially, since both of them were on the bigger side of things. It wasn't that Harper didn't keep busy, she was always moving with her job. The idea of just running, however, had never appealed to her.
    "I need to find them, do you have any ideas?"
    He didn't, which didn't help her newfound quest to find Mr. Mystery, as she had started to think of him as. Mr. M could have already left town though she didn't seem to think that was the case.
    With a sigh, Harper paid for her drink and headed towards the door. Halfway there, it opened to admit the bald man from the night before and one of his friends. He recognized her instantly she could tell, an evil grin spreading over his face as he leered at her.
    "Why hello there lovely. Did you miss me?" He made some rather repulsive kissing noises at her, before taking a step closer.
    "Leave her alone Carl. Don't make me call the police. I really don't have the time for that today." The bartender had his phone out and in hand, apparently ready to dial, though she couldn't see the screen from her vantage point.
    "You're a bore, Jay, we was just having some fun with the lady here, that's all. Just a bit of fun." He smiled nastily

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