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Book: TYCE by Shareef Jaudon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shareef Jaudon
crossed her curvy legs slowly enjoying the attention she was receiving as the late comer. Angelique on the other hand was now chewing her gum extra hard, keeping her left eye on Tyce and her right eye on Dallas. She still was the picture of calm but inside she was impatiently waiting. 
Tyce began, “Now that I have you all in the same place I have a proposition for you. I been thinkin’…all the work and shit we’ve done, why haven’t we retired yet. I’ll tell you why; ‘cuz you can’t get rich working for someone else. What I’m thinkin’ ‘bout will set us all up for retirement in a short matter of time.” Tyce continued. “You see everyone in this room has talent. Sway you were in the military, so you’re good with covert ops, weapons, and shit.” Tyce shifted his eyes to each of the lovely ladies in the room. “Dallas and Angelique, you ladies have intelligence and a loyalty that most men lack. Omar and I, well, we the best jack boys this side of tha Mississippi.” Tyce stated proudly. 
    Omar nodded in agreement while making strong eye contact with Sway. Unfazed Sway returned the brief stare then turned his head toward Tyce again. Angelique and Dallas smiled independently, flattered by the comments about them, but all were listening intently to the only man standing up in the room.
Tyce eyed each of them. “Now I aint gonna lie to you, this shit is dangerous, it could get you killed if you get stupid and reckless. If you take this shit serious and stay focused, it can also get you paid. Now this aint mandatory, so if anybody aint feelin' this so far jus’ say so and you can leave before I lay my plans out.” He said in a serious tone.
The four chairs remained occupied, Tyce smiled and happily continued. “Ok then, I’m talkin’ ‘bout three major hits and all of em are different. The first one is Diego Alverez. The second is an underground gambling spot and the third is a bank in China town. With all three combined we lookin’ at twenty million dollars. I know ya’ll can divide so twenty divided by five is what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.” He joked. “Four million reasons to get down.”
    Tyce paused his financial sermon to get the crowd reaction; Angelique was the first to break the silence.
“That’s wasup!” She excitedly approved.
“Diego Alverez! That nigga been running shit for decades on the west coast, I see why you want his ass. And if you talkin’ ‘bout tha Club House, that’s a good move ‘cuz everybody I know gambles up in there.
    Tyce aimed that billion dollar smile at Angelique as his attraction for her bubbled up. He looked at Omar, Sway, and Dallas and waited for their response.
“Shit T, you already know I’m wit’ it.” Omar said crossing his arms across his chest.
“Hell yeah I know that shit O, I wasn’t really talkin’ to you.” Tyce assured his long time friend.
    Omar looked directly at Sway, feelin’ good about himself and his position. Sway cracked his knuckles again and leaned back in his chair.
“I been knowin' you since you was shootin’ dice in the hallways at the boys home Tyce. I’m honored that you even came to me with this, ‘cuz I know you coulda’ found another
nigga if you wanted to. I done killed folks overseas for the government-came home and me and my wife arguing and stressing over the light bill. You better muthafukin believe I’m all in with this shit!” Sway said still leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed.
“Alright then people guess it aint nuthin’ left to do but break down exactly how it’s gonna go. Now first……”
“Hold up T. We aint heard from Ms. Late yet.” Omar interjected.
    Dallas shifted in her chair and grinned at Omar. She took a lighter out of her coach purse and looked at Tyce.
“Can I have one of those clove cigarettes you smoke Tyce?” She asked confidently.
    Tyce smiled enjoying her swagger as he reached in his sweats to get his pack of " Djarums ." He handed her one and stepped back a

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