Fearless: Mob Boss Book Two (Volume 2)

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Book: Fearless: Mob Boss Book Two (Volume 2) by Michelle St. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle St. James
it freshman year when she’d come to the beach with friends and had forgotten to pack it when she’d gone back to New York. It was a little shorter than she wore her dresses now, but it was cool and breezy, perfect for the Miami heat. She twisted her hair into a loose chignon and padded on bare feet to the kitchen.
    Nico and Luca were on the terrace. They were extraordinarily beautiful with their dark hair, perfectly formed bodies, and easy grace, and she leaned against the doorjamb, listening to them talk in soft murmurs while the sun sunk in the west. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she waited for what looked like a lull in their conversation to step outside.
    “Hey.” She ran a hand through Nico’s hair as she took the chaise next to him.
    He captured her hand, kissed her palm. “Hey.”
    “What are you to whispering about?”
    Nico shot Luca a warning glance.
    “Nothing,” Nico said.
    “Sounds like something a kid says when he’s been coloring on the walls,” Angel said.
    “Well, I’m fresh out of crayons,” he said, “so you have nothing to worry about.”
    “I was going to start dinner,” Nico said, “but there’s nothing in the fridge.”
    “I didn’t have time to call someone,” Angel said. She laughed. “Actually, I’m not even sure who I’d call. I have no idea how to keep all of this stuff running.”
    “I’ll have Jenna set up some property management agreements for you,” Nico said. “But not until this is over. I don’t want anyone to know you’re with me right now.”
    She knew it was for her own protection, but it still hurt. After all they’d been through, they had to remain a secret. Then again, did she want people to know about her and Nico? Was she ready for what that would mean for her? For David?
    “Well, I don’t know about you two, but I’m starving,” Luca said. “Want me to make a take-out run?”
    Nico looked over at her, his eyes lingering on her face before dropping to the short dress pooling around her thighs. “Let’s go out.”
    “Nico…” Angel started.
    “No one knows we’re here,” Nico said. “And we’ll avoid the areas where the Syndicate does business. I know my way around. It won’t be hard.”
    Luca rubbed the stubble at his chin. “I don’t know…”
    Nico stood, pulling Angel up with him. “We’re in Miami, probably only for a day or two. Let’s go blow off some steam with the tourists.”
    Luca hesitated, then nodded. Probably because he knew as well as Angel how futile it was to argue with Nico once he’d made up his mind about something.
    “So we’re going to party, is what you’re saying,” Angel said.
    “We’re going to eat,” Nico said. “Then we’re going to party.”

    They started with classic Cuban sandwiches at a tiny deli near the beach. The pork was so flavorful, the chicken so tender, that Angel groaned when she bit into the crusty bread. They washed the sandwiches down with cold beer, then headed to a nightclub a couple blocks from the water. It was about as far as they could get from the tense, exclusive atmosphere of Farrell Black’s club in London, and they did three quick shots of tequila before joining the crush of writhing bodies on the dance floor.
    Multi-colored lights flashed over the room, and EDM beat through the speakers posted around the room, the floor shaking to the rhythm of the music. The liquor was working its way into Angel’s bloodstream, warming her from the inside out, loosening her inhibitions. She laughed, losing herself to the music and the collective liberation of the people around her.
    She lifted her arms over her head and shook her hips until Nico’s eyes flashed with desire through the half dark of the room. He tried to grab her, but she didn’t want to make Luca feel left out, so she eluded Nico’s grasp and danced with them both, the three of them packed together in in a position that would have been way too intimate if not for the

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