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Book: Faithful by S. A. Wolfe Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. A. Wolfe
    “They’re holding it for me. After I drop you off, I’m going to bring Leo’s truck back to pick it up. The auction will still be open.”
    “Okay, so can we go?” I shrug.
    “Whatever you want,” he says as his hand rests on my lower back and he turns me away from the table. At that moment, I catch him give a quick wink and smile to the woman who just helped me.
    “What the hell was that wink for?” I ask as we leave the lovely home. “Did you hit on her?”
    Cooper laughs. “No, I was just being friendly since she was so friendly in assisting us.”
    “You mean assisting me. Man, you sure are friendly .” I overemphasize the word with a deep, snarky punch. “You should take over my shifts at the diner, what’s left of them. The customers would love you.”
    “Imogene, I’m teasing you. Sometimes I like getting a rise out of you. You’re sexy and lethal,” he says and hands me my helmet.
    The ride back is easier. I feel less tense about our situation. I think I clarified the friend set-up fairly well, and I bought some vintage jewels without completely stressing myself out. Having Cooper along to reassure me and to lighten the mood definitely made it easier. Being all cozy and warm, snuggled up to him on the Harley didn’t hurt, either. Unfortunately, those are the kinds of things that blur the friendship lines, and I’m notorious for blurring things, so much so I’m practically blind.
    When we return to my house, Leo walks out onto the porch and tosses his truck keys to Cooper.
    “How did he know you needed the truck?” I ask, attaching my helmet to the back of his bike.
    “I called him while you were paying for your stuff.” He takes off his leather bike gloves and then pulls my jewelry bag from the satchel.
    “Good thinking.”
    “Are you happier?” he asks as he hands me my bag.
    With it being kind of a loaded question, I don’t know how to respond. I begin running the scenarios of the past few days through my head: my behavior with Cooper; divulging my concerns about the business; potentially quitting my most reliable source of income; defining boundaries for an emerging friendship between us; and then, naturally, dwelling on those hot and heavy kisses that negate all my previous arguments I thought were so rational.
    “I love this,” I finally respond, waving the bag. “Thanks for insisting I go, and thanks for taking me. I had a really good time.”
    “I know you did. It’s written all over your face. And I had a great time, too. So when’s our next date?”
    After all that, I laugh. “It wasn’t a date. You’re something else.”
    “I’m something you like. Remember, I’m very good at reading people. My former job used to depend on it.”
    “Even so, it wasn’t a date.”
    “Call it what you want,” Cooper says with a shrug. “So when are we going out again as friends?”
    He is tenacious and I’m flattered, but I can totally envision a relationship with Cooper as the kind that ignites in a lusty frenzy and burns out just as quickly. As such, he’s probably not a wanker, but the thought of having a potentially destructive fling with a guy who is part of my circle of friends is enough for me to keep him at arm’s length. Apparently, however, that arm is very short if I keep kissing him. Yes, that’s a problem.
    “Lauren and I have to buckle down and really get to work on some necklaces that a store will purchase if we meet their deadline. So I don’t really have time for any social outings. With anyone,” I emphasize.
    Cooper glances at Leo’s truck as though he’s ready to bolt without another word.
    “Hey, Coop!” Leo returns and suddenly shouts from the porch. “Wait up!”
    Leo runs down the steps and jogs over to us.
    “Is something wrong?” Cooper asks.
    “No, I need to talk to you, so I thought I’d take you to get your sword thing.”
    “Okay,” Cooper replies with that shrug again. He then looks down at me with an indecipherable

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