Ridin' Dirty

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Book: Ridin' Dirty by Ruby Winchester Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruby Winchester
Tags: Diablo MC
wore clung to my round, perky breasts, the word HADES scrawled across them emphasizing my lack of a bra. A wild mane of ebony curls framed my dark eyes. I might be younger than Dax’s usual playthings, but he was definitely looking.
    “Whiskey,” he said. “Four glasses and leave the bottle.”
    They sat, pouring glass after glass. The low din of the bar made it impossible to hear what they were talking about. As the level in the bottle grew lower, some of the tension faded out of Dax. As I passed the table on my way back to the bar, two empty bottles in my hand, Dax’s arm snaked around my waist and pulled me down onto his lap.
    “I like you, Blanca. You look like a girl who can keep her mouth shut.” Mutely, I nodded, wondering where he was going with this. “Charlie can hire whoever he wants, but they don’t stick around unless I approve.” His hand dipped between my legs, cupping my pussy through my cutoffs. I couldn’t hide the low moan that escaped me. Dax leaned forward, pressing his lips against my ear and breathed, “I approve.”
    His companions didn’t bother introducing themselves. Instead, three sets of eyes watched me silently as Dax worked his hand between my legs. I’d been wet from the moment he walked inside, and my nipples stood up like bullets through my thin top.
    One long finger pushed aside the crotch of my shorts and soaking panties to slip inside. That penetration was enough to push me over the edge and wring an orgasm from me. Shaking and whimpering, my hips bucked against Dax’s hand as I rode wave after wave of pleasure, not caring that the entire bar was watching.
    “Charlie,” Dax called, as I slumped boneless against him. “Blanca is taking a break. We’ll be in your office.” Before Charlie could reply, Dax was pulling me to my feet and leading me into the tiny back room Charlie used to do paperwork. The door slammed and I found myself pushed to my knees as Dax unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans.
    “Open your mouth,” he barked as he pulled his impressive length out of his jeans. Easily eight inches long and very thick, Dax had the kind of cock that sex toys were modeled after. I had no doubt that if I didn’t wrap my lips around his cock, I’d be unemployed and out on the street. Women couldn’t wear colors in the MC, and I’d seen too many girls get passed around and fucked every which way in the few days I’d worked here.
    For some reason Dax had decided he liked me enough to let me come first and to take me in private. I opened my mouth wide, feeling my lips stretch around his girth. Inch by inch, I swallowed him down, going agonizingly slowly as I tried not to choke. Dax’s hand tangled in my hair, and I expected him to shove me down, forcing the rest of his length into my throat.
    “That’s a good girl,” he purred, stroking my dark hair as my head bobbed. “That’s right, take it all.”
    Anyone else might have felt used and taken advantage of, being shoved onto her knees in a back room, but having Dax’s cock in my mouth gave me the biggest feeling of power I’d experienced in my short life. This was a man who controlled an entire gang of rough and more than a little frightening men. Guns and money flowed through this bar, all under his watch. Dax ruled the city, but in this moment, I ruled him with my mouth and my tongue.
    I relaxed my throat, fighting my own body’s reactions and winning. I felt Dax’s balls brush my chin as I finally managed to take the full length into my mouth. I cut my eyes upward and saw Dax staring at me with a look of blissed out wonderment on his face. “Fuck Blanca,” he groaned. “If your mouth feels like this, I can’t wait to try your pussy.”
    “Mmmmmm,” I agreed, the noise causing my throat to vibrate around his shaft. Dax bit off a loud moan and tightened his grip on my hair. My throat had gotten used to the stretching, so I picked up speed. My head bobbed in a steady rhythm as I sucked

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