Forbidden Legacy
again. She really had waited too long between flings.
    Harrison and Michael followed her lead, rising and putting their clothing to rights. Once they’d tucked themselves back in—cocks and shirts—they helped her dress. Harrison placed a soft kiss atop both breasts as he put them inside the cups of her bra.
    Michael stroked her calves and thighs as he slid her thong and then her jeans into place.
    None of them spoke until they were completely dressed once more. Then Alexis walked over to the couch and sank down slowly. All she wanted to do was sleep for the next twenty-four hours or so.
    “Go home, Dr. Jenner.” Michael was leaning against the counter. He looked pretty haggard himself, and she wondered if he’d been home since the fire.
    It concerned her to see the dark circles under his typically bright eyes. “I will if you will.”
    Michael gave her a crooked grin. “Deal. Want me to drive you?”
    She shook her head. “My car is here and I don’t live far. I really am tired, and something tells me if I leave here with either of you, I won’t get to sleep.”
    Harrison chuckled as he dropped next to her on the couch. “You’re right. You wouldn’t. It’s taking every ounce of self-control I have not to lay you down right now and ring the bell for round two.”
    She rested her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her and tucked her close.
    “I can’t believe I did this.” Now that her horniness had been assuaged, her body satisfied, her brain had decided to begin working once more.
    “You made it perfectly clear what you wanted from us, Lex. There are no misunderstandings. We’re simply going to continue to follow the same course.”
    “Meaning you and Michael are going to keep trying to seduce me into agreeing to a permanent ménage?”
    Michael nodded. “That’s exactly what we’re going to do.”
    “You realize how ridiculous that sounds.”
    Harrison tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “Life is strange. You can either accept that and live happy or fight against it and be miserable.”
    She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t go all philosophical on me. I’m running on empty right now and am not in debating shape. Give me a day or two and I’ll figure out why what you just said is total hooey.”
    Harrison kissed her on the cheek. “I look forward to the argument.”
    Alexis took a deep breath and forced herself to stand up. If she sat much longer, she’d drift off to sleep. She walked to the sink to dump her now-cold coffee and rinse out the cup. Then she got her purse and jacket from her locker. She also grabbed the bag she’d stuffed with dirty clothes. She was no stranger to pulling all-nighters at the hospital if one of her patients needed her to remain close by, so she always kept a couple extra outfits on hand. She’d used up all her spares during the past few days.
    Harrison kissed her goodbye. It was a platonic buss, but it still managed to turn her on. This was getting ridiculous.
    She wasn’t a stranger to one-night stands. Given her commitment to her work, brief flings were all she usually had time for. The problem was in the past few years she hadn’t even bothered with that. She’d told herself it was because she didn’t need sex—apart from the relief provided by her vibrator—but in truth, it was due to her feelings for Harrison.
    She’d fallen for him long ago, the crush she’d harbored on her professor had blossomed to full-fledged love when their association had turned to friendship. After learning about the Trinity Masters and understanding what he expected from a relationship, she’d tried to cast those feelings aside, ignoring them, discounting them. She’d invited men back to her place in hopes that one of them would make her forget Harrison. It hadn’t worked, and eventually she’d stopped trying. She was paying for that now. Too many years of harboring hidden desires for the man had been unleashed, and it would take a hell of a lot longer than

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