young girl we could hear on the voice recording, and when
we asked what she says on the tape, she replied STUCK!
Poor little darling, I couldn’t wait to help her. After assur-
ing the Kalamunda contingency that we would see them all on
Monday, I sent them all my love and asked them to step back.
Now it was Vee’s brother’s turn. I invited him to draw in
nice and close, and speak to us through the table.
“Can you please tell us your name?” I asked.
ANTHONY he said.
“And your middle name?”
I looked up at Vee for confirmation, she responded with a
tearful nod.
Anthony went on to tell us his date of birth and when he
passed away. He told us Vee’s husband’s name and the names
of her children, and confirmed that he watches of over Vee
and her family frequently, from the comfort of a wicker chaise lounge in the family room.
“I knew that,” Vee laughed. “I always hear the wicker
squeaking as if someone’s just sat in it. I usually tell whoever’s with me at the time that it’s just Anthony paying a visit!”
We shared some laughs as Anthony told us how good look-
ing he was.
“So what would you rate yourself out of ten?” I asked.
80 Ouija
The glass wasted no time shooting across to the number 9.
“Whoa!” I said, “So you’re a hottie … good for you!”
Anthony, Vee’s dearly departed, handsome brother.
After that, the tone became more serious, as Anthony
addressed the issue of Vee’s impending surgery. He wanted her
to know he would be right beside her; before, during and after the operation. He assured his sister that everything would go
perfectly, and that she definitely wouldn’t be reunited with her brother any time soon.
“And will there be any repercussions?” Vee asked.
None whatsoever, came the response. Anthony even told
Vee the date of the surgery, as it was all still up in the air at that point in time.
Ouija 81
It was apparent that Anthony had been harassing his sis-
ter to come and see me, as he was desperate to reassure her.
Although Vee suspected that this was the case, it was gratify-
ing that Anthony was able to come through so strongly and
confirm that everything would be fine.
That night as I lay on my bed reading, I was overcome by
a crushing fatigue. I felt as though the spirits and I had worked together by combining our energy during the séance, and now
I was well and truly drained.
“Is anyone still here?” I asked. “Kalamunda crew? Are you
still sucking up my energy?” I joked.
My camera was on my bedside table so I took a quick
photo. Surprisingly, it showed nothing.
“What about you Anthony? Are you still here, darling?”
I took a photo and was rewarded with a small, vivid orb.
“So you are here! How about we do one last thing together before I flake out? Try and make your spirit light as big and
bright as you can … and then I’ll send the pic to Vee.”
On the count of three I took the photo, and was thrilled to
see a big, beautiful orb shining on the curtains.
“You’re gorgeous!” I said, and true to my promise, immedi-
ately sent the photo to Vee.
I said goodnight and turned out the light, but not before
throwing a small lace tablecloth over the Ouija table beside the bed.
“Just in case any of you get any ideas in the middle of the
night!” I joked.
I fell asleep quickly, and slept a solid dream-filled sleep. I was soothed by the knowledge that Anthony’s message had
been delivered, and the Kalamunda ghosts would soon be in
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the light. I was embarking on a new phase of my spiritual
journey, and it couldn’t come soon enough.
Upon asking Anthony to appear in a photo for his sister, Vee, he immediately showed himself as a beautiful orb.
chapter eleven
T h e G i r l
i n R o o m O n e
For reasons I don’t fully understand, the spirits of those who have taken their own lives always seem to gravitate to me. It
is a privilege to be able to pass on their messages of love