03. Gods at the Well of Souls

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Book: 03. Gods at the Well of Souls by Jack L. Chalker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack L. Chalker
observe them. The three gathered  close, and Tony took out the cube and pressed again on the red area. "This is Ambassador Aliva speaking for the Special Committee," said the female  voice in Dillian, which the two centauresses understood directly and made an  extra authenticity check possible as well. "We have evaluated our report on this  clinic and its specialists, which coincides with intelligence from other  sources, and we believe that you have stumbled on the key to the disappearances  and also to why action is now mandated. As a result, we have arranged for an  Agonite whose character is beyond question and who has both knowledge and  authority in combating this criminal syndicate to assume command of a special  unit that will follow up this lead. 
    "His name is Janwah Kurdon, and he is an officer in the Agonese Secret Police.  Please do not be put off by this; Kurdon has been in something like an exile  since mounting a campaign against the syndicate and being blocked by corrupt  higher-ups. We have arranged for his restoration of rank and position, and it is  understood that any Agonite official who gets in the way of the special unit  will be placed under suspicion by the Zone Council of aiding and abetting  interhex criminal activities. It is very likely that they will do their best to  stay out of your way to avoid even the slightest hint of corruption, but it is  inevitable that they will use their own people to try to anticipate your actions  and report them to the criminal gang. Agon itself has become too industrialized  to be self-sufficient in food; it is also clearly understood that anything less  than government cooperation could mean a blockade and embargo. We have already  notified the government of this and have heard the protests, but we have the  votes here on our side." 
    "Goodness!" Anne Marie said. "They can certainly knock heads if they decide they  want to!" 
    "You may, if you wish, become part of this special unit, but understand that the  personal danger is very great, that this cartel is totally ruthless, and that  while we can act against officials and the nation if need be, we cannot protect  you individually. Also, you must accept Agent Kurdon's complete authority and  act only under his orders. Otherwise, you will have to leave the country and  return home or go elsewhere. You may also not travel to Liliblod or Clopta  without being under the unit's authority; the former does not consider what the  gang does a criminal act and operates under a different and not altogether  scrutable logic, while the latter is at least as corrupt as the government of  Agon and far less competent. As we cannot protect you and as you must suspect  Kurdon is less than excited about being saddled with those he considers both  aliens and amateurs, nothing will reflect on you if you choose not to continue,  and you will be informed of any results. However, if you do accept the terms,  complete what business you might have yet to do and meet the special unit in  Subar, the northern city where you first made contact with us, in precisely four  days. Go to the Central Prefecture there and simply ask for Agent Kurdon. He  will then brief you on what will be happening next." 
    "One more thing," the message concluded. "Do not return to that clinic or  contact the staff there again even if something is scheduled or they call and  ask to see any of you. Make any excuse, but do not go. Operations are already  under way as regards them that you might only jeopardize or, worse, alert the  staff about. For the record, the cover story is that we believe genetic  reengineering is being employed to possibly replace or enslave existing  officials or whole populations and we are going after the proof of that. Under  no circumstances is anyone, least of all the gang, to suspect that we are after  more than that. We have also planted information that your two missing

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