EMPTY SECRETS (A Back Down Devil MC Novella)

Free EMPTY SECRETS (A Back Down Devil MC Novella) by London Casey, Karolyn James Page B

Book: EMPTY SECRETS (A Back Down Devil MC Novella) by London Casey, Karolyn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: London Casey, Karolyn James

    Lena shook her head. “ No … they …”
    Miller grinned. “ So your memory is back? ”
    Lena felt her stomach drop and
    “ What ’ s going on out there? ”
    Lena recognized the voice as Jett ’ s. She saw him walking toward
the scene.
    Miller turned and said, “ Seems like she remembers a lot
more than we know. ”
    “ Jett,
they ’ re here, ” Lena said. “ Two of Victor ’ s guys. They …”
    “ What
are you doing out there? ” Jett asked.
    Lena saw the hurt on Jett ’ s face. He knew what she was
doing out here. It was obvious … trying to make a run for it.
    “ I
don ’ t want anyone hurt, ” Lena said. “ I ’ m
sorry. I just …”
    “ Fuck, ” Jett growled. “ Miller, we have to hide her. ”
    “ Do
we? ” Miller asked. “ If these men are here for her …”
    “ Christ,
don ’ t do this, ” Jett said. “ Let me handle this. ”
    “ Let
you handle it, ” Miller
said. “ Like you ’ ve been doing? So what do we have
here? A liar? A rat? ”
    “ I ’ m not a rat, ” Lena said. “ I didn ’ t … they attacked me. I stabbed Victor. I was knocked out. Jett helped me …”
    “ Miller, ” Jett said. “ We can figure this out. ”
    “ I
guess we have no choice, ” Miller said.
    He gave a nod and Lena turned. The
two men were at the gates. Their shoulders massive, their arms even bigger.
Their faces cut like stone. They were almost robotic and were paid to be that
way. Everything they did was programmed by command from Victor. Lena wasn ’ t sure if their presence meant
Victor was alive or dead.
    “ No, ” Lena said.
    “ What
do you want? ” Miller asked.
    “ Her, ” they both said at the same
    Lena saw them reaching for their
weapons. She started to shake, realizing the guy on the left was the one who
had knocked her out. The entire night replayed in her mind. From poor Annie
spilling cold coffee on her hand, to stabbing Victor, to waking up with Jett
hovered over her.
    She then heard the sound of a gun
go off and saw the big guy on the left jump back and grab at his shoulder.
    “ Next
one ’ s in the head, ” Jett yelled.
    Lena then watched as Jett walked
forward, gun drawn. Miller was suddenly quick to pull out his gun, both of them
pointing their weapons at the men at the gate.
    “ Get
the fuck out of here, ” Miller growled. “ You have
no business. ”
    “ That
we do, ” the man who wasn ’ t shot said. “ We have to get her. We have to
take her. ”
    “ Then
fucking kill me and take her, ” Jett said.
    “ We
will. Trust me, we will. ”
    The man shot held his shoulder and
growled. There was blood on his hand as he tried to stop the bleeding.
    “ Is
Victor dead? ” Lena managed
to ask.
    “ No, ” the shot man said. “ And he ’ s going to get you. ”
    A second later there was the sound
of shotguns pumping.
    Lena looked back and saw there were
ten other guys standing there. Back Down Devil MC protecting their compound.
Their space. Their lives. Their club.
    “ No
more warnings, ” Miller
    “ You ’ re starting a fight you cannot
win, ” the shot man said. “ We come with a warning … two of us with weapons. Now … good luck. ”
    The two men turned and walked away.
    Miller looked over his shoulder. “ Jace. Take two prospects and
make sure they fucking leave. Now! ”
    Lena stepped back and tried to get
out of the way. She felt something touch her back and she jumped.
    “ Don ’ t move, ” Jett ’ s
voice growled.
    “ Is
that your gun? ” Lena asked.
    “ Fucking
right it is. What the fuck were you thinking? ”
    Lena saw Miller set his eyes on her
next. He tucked his gun away but still approached. “ You never forgot a thing. You fucked with us. Didn ’ t you? ”
    “ I
didn ’ t ask for anything, ” Lena said. “ I didn ’ t ask for help. I was knocked out by the guy Jett
just shot. They left me on Jett ’ s
motorcycle. ”
    “ Who
is Victor? ” Miller asked.
    “ He ’ s connected, ” Lena

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