Christmas-Eve Baby

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Book: Christmas-Eve Baby by Caroline Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caroline Anderson
Tags: Fiction, Medical
and he had his hands locked behind his head so she could see the broad expanse of his chest, lightly scattered with soft, dark hair, his arms powerful and strong. She knew theywere strong. They’d lifted her last night as if she weighed nothing, and she remembered that the last time he’d carried her, back in May, it had been because he had wanted her.
    Not last night, though.
    Damn. And now she had the embarrassing morning-after thing to get through.
    ‘You look better. You looked shattered last night.’
    Oh, the compliments were flying today. ‘I was,’ she said, sliding into bed beside him and wondering how quickly she could drink her tea and get out of this humiliating situation.
    ‘What time do you have to be at work?’
    ‘It’s only ten to six. I don’t have to leave till seven.’
    It could have been a simple statement of fact, but there was something in his voice, something warm and gentle and coaxing, and she risked a glance at him and saw he was looking at her with a question in his eyes.
    She swallowed, and put her tea down untouched. ‘Ben—’
    ‘Come here.’
    So she lay down, and rested her head on his chest, and his arm closed around her back, his free hand lifting her chin gently and tilting her head back so he could see into her eyes. ‘I want to make love to you, Lucy,’ he said softly, and she felt her eyes fill with tears.
    He gave a strangled laugh. ‘Really. Really, really really—if it’s what you want?’
    ‘Oh, yes, please,’ she whispered, and with a ragged sigh he rolled towards her, his mouth meeting hers hungrily. His hand ran down her body, his fingers splayed over her hip, her abdomen, up over her ribs, under the T-shirt and cupped herbreast with a groan. He pushed the T-shirt impatiently out of the way, then stared down at her, swallowing hard.
    ‘Your nipples are darker than they were. Like chocolate.’
    And lowering his head, he took one into his mouth, rolling the other between finger and thumb, just gently, as if he knew how sensitive they’d be, and then his mouth moved on, feathering kisses over the baby, murmuring ‘Good morning’ on the way past, so she could feel the puff of his breath and hear the smile in his voice, and then he lifted his head.
    ‘I hope you don’t wear these outrageous knickers for your antenatal checks,’ he murmured, and, slipping a finger under the elastic, he eased them down, tapping her bottom so she’d lift it and he could slide them free.
    ‘Better,’ he said, bending his head and kissing her tummy once again. And then his mouth travelled lower, the devastating accuracy of his caress robbing her limbs of control and stealing her breath.
    ‘Ben!’ she screamed, and he shifted, stripping the little scrap of lace away from her feet, ripping off his boxers, rolling to his side and taking her with him, leaving her in no doubt about his need of her.
    He was so gentle, so careful, but his touch drove her crazy, his hand never leaving her, taking her over the edge in a blinding climax that left her shaken to her core.
    Dimly, she was aware of his body stiffening, the ragged cry, the long, slow shudder of his release, and then his hand, trembling, cupping her face, cradling her head as he leant forward and kissed her long and slow before folding her against his still pounding heart.
    She felt the baby move, felt his hand splay over it in a gentle caress, and the tears welled in her eyes.
    ‘Are you OK?’
    She nodded, squeezing her lids tightly shut, but his fingers caught her chin and lifted it. ‘Look at me,’ he murmured, and she made herself open her eyes and meet his, so blue, so gentle, yet still smouldering with the last embers of passion.
    ‘You’re beautiful,’ he whispered. ‘So beautiful. I wish I didn’t have to go to work.’
    ‘Don’t worry. I have to go to work, too.’
    ‘I know.’
    He leant forward and kissed her again, softly, lingeringly, then with a sigh he rolled

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