Scavengers: August
whore,” he said and Ira realized he had a penny in his mouth. He
laughed, sucking on it and pulled the other man close.
    “No, ya just
gave me my money back, ‘cause you liked it too much to take
    “N... no!”
James blinked, reaching to Ira’s lips. The man laughed, grabbing
his wrist in an iron grip and spit the penny out in the general
direction of the door. James smirked, struggling, to see how firmly
he was being held. “You dishonest punter!”
straightened, overpowering him with ease and lowering his entire
body weight on James. “Dishonest? Want another slap, you
    With a sigh,
James gave up the fight, relaxing underneath the other man. “I’ll
be good now.”
    At this
declaration, Ira smiled, feeling a pleasant heat rise in his belly.
He slowly kissed the salty skin on his partner’s neck before
releasing him. “I’m not gonna let you sleep tonight.”
    “Is this
normal? Is this what you usually do?” whispered James and, in a
lazy move, he hugged him by the neck.
normal with you, boy,” Ira whispered, pulling him close and gently
running his fingers down his partner’s back and over his
hypersensitive buttocks. He clearly felt James’ body shiver at the
    “It isn’t?”
asked the younger man in a worried tone.
    “No, you’re
somethin’ else.” The other man took hold of James’ leg and put it
around his hip. He liked the feeling of closeness shared with
another warm body, it almost seemed that for once, every barrier
was gone.
    “I think I
won’t be able to let you go,” said James, kissing his jaw with
affection. Ira’s body softened at the tender caress as his hand
kept roaming along the other man’s thighs and buttocks. It felt so
natural to lie with him like this.
    “So? What do we
do ‘bout it?” he whispered. He really wouldn’t mind spending some
time with him. There was something about James that made him want
more and he kept wondering just how serious he was.
    “I’ll stay
tonight and we’ll see,” James said quietly caressing his back with
his fingers.
    “You should
employ me,” Ira joked with a broad smile, nuzzling his partner’s
    James looked at
him with a puzzled frown. “As who?”
    “As... a
teacher of survival skills...?” laughed the other man, patting
James’ bottom.
    The aristocrat
had a very serious look on his face. “It does make some sense,
right? It could work...”
    Ira swallowed,
very slowly pulling back just enough to look into James’ eyes. He
had been joking, but the idea did appeal to him. Even with all the
treasures he gathered during his trips, he would still not be
welcome in a nice neighbourhood. Why wouldn’t he give it a try? The
idea of... keeping such a close contact after an short acquaintance
this was crazy. There was only a small chance that two men like
them could get along in the long run, but right now, he felt so
good and comfortable in James’ presence. Hell, he actually thought
about him many times after they parted ways on Paddington Station!
And if James eventually got bored with him, he still had something
to return to. He had cash put away in four banks, as well as
several secret stashes both inside and outside of city walls.
should have skills like that nowadays, right?” asked James again,
ripping Ira out of his thoughts.
    “Zombies are no
predictable lot,” answered the other man, giving him an Eskimo
    James laughed,
clinging to him tightly. “But there are things one could learn.
Train maybe... Get muscles like you...”
    The other man
let out a sharp breath. “You really want that?” He preferred his
boys smaller than him.
    “No, I’m fine.
But maybe my sonny boy could use that...”
    Ira laughed out
loud, hugging him in delight and shaking his head. “Want me to
teach that kiddo?”
    “It’s never too
early I suppose...” James smiled. “With all the craziness out
    “I prefer
teaching you, my beautiful boy.”

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