The Reluctant Queen

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Book: The Reluctant Queen by Freda Lightfoot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Freda Lightfoot
who had been deprived of an eligible suitor by Henri Trois, and Mademoiselle de Thorigny, who was once threatened with drowning in the Seine by her brother’s brutal troops. They were all devoted to her, but Margot was beginning to feel very slightly vulnerable. It was obvious that her husband had by now taken the girl’s virginity. But what if this healthy young girl became enceinte , where would that leave her?
    How she longed for her old governess to advise her, but the old lady had finally passed away last winter. Margot’s eyes filled with a rush of tears at the memory of her adored Madame de Curton. She missed her faithful servant and beloved companion dearly. The Duchess of Nevers and other dear friends were still in Paris with their husbands, and at times Margot felt a worrying sense of isolation. She had even quarrelled with her Chancellor, Pibrac, since she suffered from the typical Valois flaw of extravagance of which he disapproved.
    Worse, Alençon had now left Gascony to return to Paris, taking his master of horse, her darling Champvallon, with him. Margot was desolate. How could she live without her Narcissus? She felt so low that she took to wearing black like a widow in mourning, and would sit for hours in her apartment writing long, heartrending letters to him.
    And all the while Fosseuse continued to strut about court like the proverbial cat who had swallowed the cream.
    Henry came to Margot one day to inform her that he was planning a visit to Pau. ‘Fosseuse is suffering from a slight colic, so I have promised her a visit to Aigues-Caudes to take the waters, and then on to the chateau at Pau for a change of scene. I would naturally have you accompany us.’
    ‘I think not,’ Margot snapped. ‘You know how I have disliked that place of penitence ever since the incident over the Mass. They lack any tolerance for my religion. It is like a little Geneva, far too Puritan for me. I have no quarrel with your taking Fosseuse, but leave me out of your plans.’
    Navarre was annoyed. ‘You know full well that I cannot travel alone with my mistress, it would only give rise to unnecessary scandal.’
    Margot laughed. ‘It is no secret that you bed her.’
    Henry winced. ‘Pray show some restraint, Margot, at least in your language if not your behaviour.’
    ‘Do not you start preaching at me , I will not tolerate it. Rebours, your former mistress, could act as chaperone. The woman will welcome taking the waters for the headaches which constantly beset her. And I would be rid of the pleasure of her company for a little while.’ Having settled the matter to her satisfaction, Margot marched away in a huff.
    But it hurt her that they were becoming so estranged. They had used to be such good friends, and now they were forever bickering.
    Mademoiselle de Rebours, together with several other maids of honour and gentlemen of the court, duly accompanied the small party to take the waters. She wrote regularly to Margot, keeping her mistress informed of the spiteful comments which Fosseuse was saying about her, and how disrespectful the girl was.
    Margot took little notice, knowing that Rebours herself was furiously jealous of Fosseuse, having lost her own place in the King’s affections. She did not trust the woman, who was two-faced enough to be likewise slandering her mistress to Fosseuse.
    Mademoiselle de Rebours was indeed bitter over the treatment she had received at Margot’s hand, and had continued to keep a close eye on her rival. Now, being in the girl’s company every day as they took the waters, her suspicions deepened, and she rather thought she understood why Fosseuse had changed.
    One wet afternoon, when Fosseuse deigned to join the other ladies for needlework, Rebours watched with interest as she reached down to pick up a skein of silk that she’d dropped. Her movements were awkward, the girl instinctively resting a protective hand upon her belly, and even though she was still as slender

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