ground. Well, if he wanted rough, she had it in her to
    play that way too.
    But when she struggled to be free, he gripped harder, his eyes almost turning silver
    with the amount of emotion that swarmed through him.
    “Don’t try and trap me,” he told her, his tone almost threatening.
    “There is no trap.” Her mouth was so dry she could hardly speak. But he wouldn’t
    intimidate her. “What are you afraid of?”
    “Nothing. I fear nothing,” he told her, then grabbed her ass, his hand moving
    quickly under her skirt, and ripping at her stockings.
    The fibers tore, tiny threads popping as he yanked the stockings from her ass. Cold
    night air rushed around her cunt and ass, suddenly exposed.
    Ali gulped in air, looking at him wide-eyed, so stunned by his quick and fierce

    “Be sure you don’t learn to fear me,” he added, doing anything but scaring her.
    She guessed he was trying to show her his true nature—that he was too wild to
    tame. Even in her feverish and lust-filled state she saw that. Instead of revealing his
    emotions, sharing what was in his heart, he would try and send her running with her
    tail between her legs.
    He was such a damn Cariboo.
    “Bring it on, wolf-man.” She was being too damned brazen.
    Playing with fire was an understatement. Already his emotions bordered on hostile.
    Cariboo lunewulf could easily get violent if provoked. Being one of them herself, Ali
    knew that if you pushed her kind too far, the results were pretty damned ugly.
    But even with that slight bit of rational thought seeping through her, she couldn’t
    stop herself. Her own emotions bordered on something too carnal for her human
    thoughts to accept.
    He gripped one arm, but with her free hand she touched him, gliding over bulging
    muscle and heat from his flesh. Touching him burned her skin, the fever rushing
    through him bordering on dangerous. But she slid her hand between them and ran it
    over the bulge in his crotch.
    Stone growled, gripping her ass, pulling on her flesh, his fingers moving past her
    ass and running over the moisture coating her pussy.
    Their act was dangerous, bordering on ridiculous. They were in the middle of town,
    humans everywhere. To be caught by a human would be embarrassing. To be caught by
    one of her pack would be worse.
    Grabbing his cock, staring into those eyes that were almost completely silver, her
    human thoughts warred with the beast inside her. Her fingers trembled over his
    swollen shaft, the smell of his need for her making her drunk.
    “Why me, Ali?” His voice was hard to understand.

    She’d pushed him over the edge. Intense emotions he wouldn’t identify, and
    extreme arousal had all but brought the beast out in him. Ali doubted he would change
    right here behind the tavern, but he was damned close. Not sure if he would
    understand her, his human side damn near buried with the beast that threatened to
    surface at any moment, she had to try anyway.
    “Stone. Don’t you see? You are the best. And that’s all I want. The best.” She panted
    while his fingers stroked her pussy, rubbing her cream over her exposed skin.
    He reached for her sweater, letting go of her arm. For a moment she had her
    freedom. Reasoning with a Cariboo could be damned hard under the best of
    circumstances. Her own mind was in a state of flux, most of her crying out to tear her
    clothes from her body, demand he mount her and take care of the building urge that
    had grown over the past week.
    “The best, huh,” he muttered, and then yanked on her sweater.
    The threads threatened to snap. Her clothes would be torn from her, leaving her
    naked. Already she stood in front of a man who wore no shirt. His muscles bulged
    under his flesh. She knew his bones craved to pop, to grow and distort so they could
    hold the weight of the growth threatening him. And if he changed, there would be no

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