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Book: Inferno by Adriana Noir Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Noir
the hall leading to the dining room, she watched the play of the muscles in his back as he rummaged through the refrigerator.
    “Sebastian, let me help. Let me do something. Please?”
    “I didn’t ask you to come in here and badger me, Taylor. All you need to worry about is getting better. Either sit down and talk to me or go lay back down.”
    Securing the packages of sausage and mushrooms cradled in his arm, he nudged the refrigerator door shut.
    “I feel fine,” she said, unable to mask the raw pleading in her voice.
    He dropped the contents onto the gleaming granite countertop and froze. She swallowed seeing his knuckles whiten as he gripped the ledge.
    “Why do you always do this?” he asked quietly. “Why do you have to argue and push? Why can’t you just sit back and let someone take care of you? What are you so damn afraid of?”
    Her mouth opened and closed around a silent denial. Frowning, she crossed the room and settled onto one of the bistro chairs seated at the breakfast table. Her brow furrowed as she gave the question serious merit. Twisting the stretchy hem of her tee, she squirmed as Sebastian’s expectant gaze bore into her. Tension thrummed between them as he moved on and started chopping the ground sausage in the skillet with a spatula.
    “I guess…” She started then faltered as he glanced up. “I guess I’m afraid of becoming a burden.”
    “That makes no sense, Taylor,” he said dryly.
    “Yes it does. You just don’t understand. You’ve never been in that position.”
    He set the spatula down with a little more force than was necessary. “Haven’t I? There was a time not too long ago when you were waiting on me hand and foot. I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t fend for myself in any way, shape, or form after that explosion. Is that what you thought of me?” he asked. “Was I a burden ?”
    “Well, no, but…”
    “Come here,” he ordered, pointing to the spot in front of him.
    Hugging herself, she made the slow trek across the kitchen. Unable to help it, she winced when he reached for her chin.
    “Quit lying,” Sebastian warned, his fingers firm along her jaw. “If you’re going to offer an explanation, at least be honest with me and yourself. What are you so afraid of, Taylor?”
    “I…” Tears threatened and she bit the insides of her cheeks with the hopes the pain would help her hold herself together.
    “Spit it out!”
    “I don’t know! Maybe it’s stupid, but I always find myself wondering if I had just done more for myself or to help my mom out then maybe—maybe she wouldn’t have left. If I hadn’t been such a financial strain on my uncle growing up then maybe he could of…” She trailed off and choked down the knot building in her throat. The last words came out quiet and strained. “Maybe he could have loved me. Maybe they wouldn’t have done those things and tried to set me up.”
    Sebastian winced. As the words struck home, his face slowly crumpled and he pulled her into his arms. Holding on tight, Taylor buried her nose against the fragrant warmth of his chest and held on for dear life. She refused to let the tears fall but was unable to quell the pained tremors running through her.
    “Shh,” he soothed, stroking one hand over the back of her head as the other smoothed over her spine. “Don’t. You can’t think like that. Don’t do that to yourself, Taylor.”
    “I can’t help it,” she said, pulling back.
    Sebastian cradled her face firmly between his hands. His eyes were stern and beseeching as they locked with hers. “Listen to me,” he ordered. “Those people didn’t deserve you, baby. I know it’s hard to hear because it’s your family and they’re all you’ve ever known, but that’s not what family does. That’s not love. You don’t use the people you care about or walk away because things get difficult. I’m sorry you had to go through that, but you need to get it through your head that that’s not me. I’m

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