will fly by, I promise you sis. I know you miss him, but try to enjoy being on your own. Now you better get going if you want to make it there on time.” Maddie was practically pushing her towards the car. This from a girl who had never been on time in her life.
    “Ok, okay, I’m going. I wish you could go with me. I feel a bit nervous going alone.” Katrine’s stomach was doing its churning thing and if her bladder reared its ugly head she was going to be pissed, no pun intended. Going to the restroom in a formal dress was tricky to say the least.  She and Maddie walked to the car and gave each other a gentle hug. Maddie did not want to wrinkle her sister. After Katrine got in the car, she rolled down her window.
    “Thanks for everything Mads, you are the best sister a girl could ask for. Enjoy your date tonight!”
    “Right back at ya sis! And oh, I will,” she said in a devious voice giving her that knowing look.
    “You’re such a tramp!” Katrine joked.
    “What ever dude. You need to rejoin the land of the carnal, sister!”
    Maddie waved and walked over to her car. Katrine laughed and took off.
    Land of the carnal, what a nut. 
    But maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea ...
    When Katrine arrived her stomach was doing flip flops. She was going to make a bee line for the bar when she got inside. She gave her keys to the valet who gave her an approving nod. 
    Maybe I do look good.
    When she entered the main lobby, her breath stuck in her lungs for just a moment. It had been a long time since she had been here, and she had forgotten how lovely the place was. There were white marble floors as far as the eye could see and a staircase made of glass. When she tilted her head back to glance at the ceiling, she was immediately taken by the most amazing crystal chandelier that glowed softly like star dust. This would have been a very romantic moment had she not been alone and about to pee in her pants—or dress as it where.
    Ok, ladies room, then bar...
    She surveyed the room once she had her glass of wine. She opted for white tonight, simply for its non-staining qualities. She didn’t see anyone she knew and for once she was wishing Mr. Abbot would get here so she wouldn’t have to stand here alone, like a moron. 
    She decided to take a look around just to keep herself busy. She went around the staircase and found a door leading out to a garden. There were tiny golden lights strung across a square of cobblestone where a string quartet was playing. There was a mahogany bar in the corner and small tables covered with white linen. Now this was romantic, if you like that kind of thing. Katrine liked a bit of romance, but not the contrived chocolate, red roses once a year on Valentine’s day type. She noticed that there weren’t any people out here yet, still a little too hot for that. But later tonight she was sure that it would be a favorite spot.
    She went back into the main lobby to see if her boss had arrived and to get back into the air conditioning. She was starting to perspire a bit. Another reason it sucks to be a woman, boob sweat.  
    Why hasn’t anyone invented something for that yet? A cleavage maxi or something?
    Still no sign of him. 
    Why in the hell did he tell me to be here so early, if he had no plans on showing up on time?
    Another power play she assumed or he just enjoyed torturing her. She was attempting to discreetly blow down the front of her dress when a voice startled her out of her internal bitch session.
    She turned to see a face she hadn’t seen in probably a decade.
    “Ian, oh my gosh, it has been forever!” she said and gave him a huge hug. 
    Ian Radcliffe had been a friend of hers for years. They were introduced by mutual friends the summer after her freshmen year of college. There had always been an undercurrent of sexual attraction between the two of them. They had obvious chemistry, and she knew he always had a little crush on her. They had lost touch

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