Laying a Foundation: Bonus volume: Includes series prequel, The Groundbreaking (The Love Under Construction Series)

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Book: Laying a Foundation: Bonus volume: Includes series prequel, The Groundbreaking (The Love Under Construction Series) by Deanndra Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deanndra Hall
Tags: Drama, Erótica, Romance, Mystery, Erotic Romance
arm another little twist. As the pain doubled, then tripled, White’s eyes rolled back in his head and he was gone, passed out cold.
    The house was coming apart, the screaming so loud that it overpowered the sound system. Jorge came to the gate and opened it, and José walked out to cheering and shouting the likes of which he’d never heard. White’s team had headed into the cage to carry him out, and Jorge and José walked back through the double doors and down to his warm-up area.
    “ Mi dios , that was awesome!” Jorge yelled. “You took him down so fast that he didn’t know what hit him!”
    “Is he okay?” José asked, the raging lion gone and the kid from Englewood on Chicago’s south side back in the house. “I hope he’s going to be okay.”
    Jorge’s eyes went wide. “What the hell, man? Why do you even care?”
    “Because. Because I never thought something like that would happen.” José shook his head sadly. “That’s just not who I am.” My madre and padre didn’t work themselves nearly to death to see me be a total asshole, he thought.
    “He wouldn’t have hesitated to kill you if he got the chance,” Jorge reminded him. “Shake it off.”
    But José wasn’t wired that way. He went down the hall to White’s camp and knocked on the door. White’s manager came out into the hall. “What the hell do you want? Gloating?” the man asked.
    “No, man, I came to check on him. Will he be okay?”
    White’s manager stared at him in disbelief. “Seriously? Are you for real?”
    “Yeah, man. I just wanted to check on him.”
    The man’s face softened. “Yeah, I think he’ll probably have to have surgery, but he’ll be okay. But I doubt he’ll ever be able to fight again.” He was surprised at the look of pain that flitted across José’s face. “I’ll be sure to tell him you asked, okay?”
    “Thanks. I appreciate it. I wish him the best,” José turned to walk back down the hallway to his area. Photos were taken, autographs signed, and it was time to go home.
    Two days later, José went to the hospital to check on White. When he got to the hospital room, two men blocked his way in. “Where the hell you think you goin’, spic?” one of them asked José.
    “I wanted to talk to White. I’m . . .” José started.
    “We know who you are,” the man spat. “You really wanna go in there?”
    “Yeah, I do. I’d like to tell him how sorry I am for what happened.”
    The men laughed. “Sure, go on in.” One of them held the door and José walked in.
    A hush fell over the room. Everyone moved away from the bed, and when White saw José, he couldn’t believe his eyes. “What the hell you doin’ here?” White yelled. “You think I can’t get outta this bed and kick yo ass? You crazy?”
    “I just wanted to see how you were, tell you that I’m sorry for what happened. I know all’s fair in fighting, but I hate hurting anyone.” José’s voice was steady and clear. “Is there anything I can do for you? Need anything?”
    White was seething. “Are you serious? Getcho damn wetback ass outta here. I never wanna see yo punkass again, motherfucker. You hear me?”
    José turned to leave, and he heard White say, “I’m gonna get outta this bed and when I do, I’m gonna hunt yo spic ass down and kill you.” José just kept walking.
    When he got out into the hall, one of the men watching the door grabbed his arm. José drew back to defend himself, but the man yelled, “Hey! Hey! Don’t hit me! I just wanted to tell you that I heard you in there, and that was classy, man. Very classy.” The other man nodded in agreement. “Don’t worry about Devon. When he cools off, it’ll be okay. He’s just pissed and in pain. Hey, congratulations on your win and good luck, okay?” The man extended his hand.
    “Thanks.” José took the man’s hand and shook it. Then he walked down the hall and out the door.
    That’s it , he thought. No more fights. I don’t want to hurt

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