The Filthy Few (Iron Disciples MC)

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Book: The Filthy Few (Iron Disciples MC) by Daniella Tucci Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniella Tucci
    “Oh for fuck’s
sake, who the hell is that?”
    Someone has
just walked in the front door. I look down at my watch and right away I know
who it is.
    “It’s your
cousin. She had to go to an office meeting.”
    With a sigh he
gets up and I know the mood has been broken. He’s not going to tell the story
with his cousin looming about; even if they are as close as she claims.
    Stacy walks in,
takes one look around and guesses it.
interrupted something.” She says. “Shall I go back to the office and come back
    “No, it’s
already late. Let’s just finish up so you can get to watching American Idol.”
    I know she
likes to watch American Idol so when I can I try to cut her loose in time to
watch it.
    By the time
Stacy fills me in on everything I missed at the office and helped with a mound
of paperwork it’s nearing eight. I’m not a fan of the show but since I’m kind
of a captive audience I may as well watch; it’s not like I can do anything else
anyway. We have a few glasses of wine and before you know it, it’s nearly
eleven and we both have to be ready to work again by 6:30am for the open of the
stock market.
    “Look Stacy,” I
begin as she’s heading for her bedroom. “I’ve kept you up way late. Why don’t
you just wake up at 6:30 tomorrow? I’ll be fine and if I need you I’ll just
    We both know
she’s not going to do that but social niceties dictate that I at least make the
offer. Why I have to make it in the first place when she won’t listen anyway is
beyond my comprehension. But then, I’m that way with a lot of things. I get so
wrapped up in my work and my very narrow life that I fail to see how the rest
of the world manages to get by. I had a hard time tonight concentrating on
anything and I know I’m going to have a tough time sleeping too. Not only do I
not have any pain killers, but I can’t wait to hear his Filthy Few patch story.
With nothing to help me sleep I may not get much shut eye before my own alarm
wakes me at five.

Face Off
    I’m not
generally a light sleeper. But tonight, regardless of the fact that I am dead
tired, I wake up less than two hours after I finally crashed for the night.
Judging from the dim bluish light coming from the kitchen I’m guessing someone
is raiding the fridge. A couple minutes later I hear at least two different
voices, maybe three. I can’t really tell what they’re saying. They’re loud
enough to be heard but no loud enough to be understood. If I could have gotten
up without the use of crutches I probably would have done so and checked it
out. It’s just too much a pain in the ass so I just lie here and wonder what’s
up. Soon after the light goes out and the voices disappear I drift off only to
wake up again when I hear the front door opening and closing. It’s still dark
out. I glance at my watch; it’s four in the morning. I wonder what was so
important that it needed discussing all night long. When my alarm wakes me at
4:45 I feel like I haven’t even slept a wink. This is going to be a long day. I
can also feel a shitty mood coming on. I have been all night with not only no
pain pills but no aspirin or any other over-the-counter pain relievers either.
    At 5:25am Stacy
walks into the living room, takes one look at me and guesses my mood.
    “It’s gonna be
another SFB day isn’t it?” She asks.
    SFB is her way
of saying shit for breakfast. When I am in a foul mood she says I act like I
had [S]hit [F]or [B]reakfast instead of my usual Wheaties.
    “Yeah…it’s gonna
be one of those days. My benefactor kept me awake last night with his all night
get together. They finally left about an hour ago. Did you not hear them?”
    “No way. I
sleep like a rock. Besides I’m used to guys coming in all hours of the night to
conduct business. While that is a bummer, you could do worse than my cousin for
a benefactor.”
    “Well,” Stacy
begins.  “You

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