A Tough Nut to Kill (Nut House Mystery Series)

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Book: A Tough Nut to Kill (Nut House Mystery Series) by Elizabeth Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lee
want him canceling on me.”
    “Who you got, honey?” Chastity asked, giving Bethany a sweet smile.
    Bethany hesitated. She knew better than to give out too much. Though the Conways were good family friends, Chastity was putting up an event tent of her own and they’d soon be competitors. Beth, the youngest in our family, was proud of the niche she was carving out—big, expensive weddings and maybe a few political events. I watched her figure the angles and then smile sweetly at Chastity, as if she didn’t understand the question.
    “Somebody from around here?” Chastity pushed.
    Bethany shook her head.
    “How many you got comin’?” Chastity zeroed in.
    “Not many.”
    “You getting doves and all that stuff? I’m getting doves for my weddings. I should be up and running by next week. You need to move your wedding ’cause of this murder, don’t forget about my place.”
    “Things’ll be fine by then. And yes, Chastity, I am getting doves and the biggest cake ever. My newscaster wants the best of everything.”
    “Newscaster?” Chastity’s eyes lit up. “From Houston? Must be important.”
    Bethany shrugged, hugging her secrets to herself, though her face lighted briefly at the thought of the doves she had already ordered, and the cake looking like that TV station in Houston. And many, many flowers.
    “Well, I truly hope he don’t cancel on you. You call ’im since this happened? Saw it on the eleven o’clock news. As I say, Bethany, you can always send ’im over to me, it comes to that. I mean, if the couple don’t like the idea of a murder right where they’re getting married.”
    Bethany bit down on her bottom lip. She looked to Miss Amelia for help.
    “I don’t think Bethany’s up to talking business right now, Chastity.” Miss Amelia cleared her throat and snatched Chastity’s tea glass from the table. She was giving the signal it was time to leave.
    “Well,” Chastity finally said as Miss Amelia stood at the middle of the room, waiting to usher them out. “Me and Harry didn’t come over here to add to your family’s misery. Last thing we want is more strain on you. I can see yer all tired out. Especially you, Miss Amelia. If I was you, I’d close that Nut House down tight ’til this was all over. How much can a woman of your years be expected to take, I’d like to know?”
    Miss Amelia’s eyes went dark, almost like shutters coming down. I knew that face and squirmed just seeing it come over her. She drew her mouth into a tight line. “Well, bless yer heart for worrying about me, Chastity. But I’m doing just fine.”
    I knew Meemaw’s “Well, bless yer heart.” Four little words that could barely hide the knife of steel at their center. A few more minutes of Chastity and my grandmother was going to have steam coming out of her ears.
    I stood before my grandmother went after the woman and “snatched her bald-headed,” as Meemaw liked to warn, when her patience was tried beyond her ability to maintain the cool look she turned on most people. “I’ll say good night,” I said. “It’s been a rough day. I’m sure you and Chastity understand . . .”
    I waited expectantly in the archway leading to the living room and out the front door.
    “Sure thing.” Harry motioned for Chastity to get moving. “Not a night for chitchatting anyway.”
    “Remember, Bethany.” Chastity leaned back from the doorway. “You need to send your wedding to me, I’ll be ready. Gettin’ my flyers printed now. Gonna be a beautiful place. Not that yers isn’t. Just that mine’s newer, you know.”
    Bethany didn’t look up, just bit down hard on her full bottom lip. Justin was on his feet, pushed beyond his endurance. “Ya don’t mind, we gotta get to bed,” he said.
    “And thanks for coming over,” Miss Amelia threw in for good measure as she put a hand on Chastity’s back and steered her down the hall.
    They were gone. We listened for the outer door to close, then all sighed our

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